All my VoD films are FREE
Roger Sherman
Documentary Filmmaker-Photographer-Doc Doctor: 2 Oscar noms - Emmy - Peabody - James Beard - Florentine Films
Dear friends, it's a weird and dangerous time. To help the time go by I'm making ALL my Video on Demand documentaries FREE. Feel free to share, enjoy, and let me know what you think. And STAY SAFE!
Click the link above, then Rent, enter StaySafe in the promotion field. Create a Vimeo account, if you don't have one.
*Alexander Calder - the definitive portrait of the inventor of an art form. Peabody, Emmy
*The Restaurateur - Danny Meyer creates Eleven Madison Park and Tabla. James Beard Award
*Medal of Honor - the history of the highest medal for valor
*The American Brew - the rich and unlikely history of beer in America
*The Rhythm of My Soul - Bluegrass, Country, Gospel, Mountain
*Don't Divorce the Children -The effects of divorce on children told from the child’s point of view without experts. It became mandatory viewing in family courts in a dozen states.
*Zapruder & Stolley: Witness To An Assassination - The story of how the famous Zapruder film, the only film of the entire assassination captured on film, was discovered. Told by iconic journalist Dick Richard B. Stolley.
*Fast Eddie and the Boys - 85 year old handball players in Miami Beach
#freefilms #watchmovies #videoondemand #florentineFilms