All my many challenges have made me fearless n strong to protect all carers.  Failure is not an option

All my many challenges have made me fearless n strong to protect all carers. Failure is not an option

I never said it was easy

I choose to be happy and have made a life of my own in spite of endless challenges

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Another beautiful reply

Thank you, you sound like you have a great life! :-)

My Response

I’ve worked very hard to have a great life in spite of enduring enormous heartache and endless challenges.

Was bullied for 4 years at school by 60 girls from yr 5 to yr 8 till I changed schools.

First marriage 1983 to 1987 violent sadist, I'm very lucky to be alive, he tried to kill me 3 times and raped me throughout our marriage. He tortured me on every level. I was shattered into a thousand pieces when I finally found the courage to leave and had 5 men pack me up in 5 hours. I left all the furniture behind because I did not want the memories. Because when you live in fear you are paralyzed with fear and it takes gigantic courage to leave a violent relationship. I was living in Melbourne at the time and flew home to Sydney that afternoon.

I could feel myself becoming bitter and a misery guts. No one wants to be around misery guts. Six months after leaving him, I decided, I would become better and the best revenge is to be happy.

I could not sleep for 2 years and finally as a last resort contacted the rape crisis centre for help. They were very shocked I had not turned to alcohol nor drugs to cope with the extreme trauma, as everyone they see, they have to help them deal with this first. Rape was not a crime in marriage until 1992. I still have one broken piece. It took me many years to recover from this extreme trauma and I worked very, very hard on my pain and lack of confidence for many years, that was completely destroyed.

When I left him, I refused to talk to his family as I knew they would not believe me and what I had been through. I bumped into his cousin 3 years after I left Melbourne in Sydney. She lives in Melbourne and she told me, he was so bad, that the mental health institutions used to ring his parents to come and collect him as they could no longer deal with him anymore. This was not a coincidence! I learnt, the truth always comes out in the end.

Since then, I have lived everyday of my life as my last and make the most of every moment. August 1995 - 8 years later he died. His family contacted me when he passed and wanted to know the whole story of what I went through with him, the truth always comes out in the end. Happiest Day of my life, as I no longer had to worry about him coming back to hurt me nor anyone else.

My friends over the years have told me, what I do in a year, they would do in a life time.

3 men I loved ran off with other women. No worse pain than unfaithfulness, like a knife in my soul. Destroyed all my confidence

In six months, I had the following challenges, one of these would have been more than enough for most.

1. My second marriage failed, was not allowed to take any time off work except one day when he moved out early December 1997. I wanted to take the days off between Christmas and New Year, a very quiet time, but my request was refused.

My ex husband was a former priest, gay and made me cry every week for two years so found the courage again to leave. He took all the furniture, money and wanted his rings back. Could not care less, was glad to have no memories and he was out of my life. I just wanted peace. I was the first of my friends to have a second failed marriage, I felt like such a gigantic failure and so ashamed. Destroyed all my confidence.

The only thing I missed when he left, was he killed the cockroaches and spiders, apart from that, nothing to miss.

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2. Started my first court case protecting the strata building, where I lived and owned one unit. It was cracking and we feared collapsing as Council was negligent and did not ensure a developer provide hydro-logical and geo-technical reports prior to approving a Development Application. May 1998

This went on for 10 years with 2 court cases over my home unit in a strata due to a developer dewatering and half the building cracked. We signed an indemnity with Council who would do nothing to assist us with our second court case, that is why I will never sign anything with Sydney Water who have flooded my property 3 times. That is why I will never sell one unit, because at least I can make all the decisions and not have to battle others.

3. I lost my job June 1998

I was absolutely devastated when I lost my job. I decided to change career completely and do a job where there was zero stress, I could do it blind folded standing on my head and most important of all, I would be happy. I was no longer interested in a career. I wanted to look forward to going to work everyday, instead of sleepless nights of worry, retrenching staff and performance counselling. I found it soul destroying. I decided I would ensure my team was happy as I firmly believe a happy team is a productive team.

I found my niche working for MLC Financial Services November 1998, these were the happiest years of my working life. I made sure we had fun every single day. We had so much fun, my Hawaiian disco Friday’s with my disco ball above my desk, Melbourne Cup. The most amazing end of year extravaganza parties. I organised an office mini Olympics in 2000 where we did synchronised swimming with shower caps, the limbo, hula and egg and spoon races with all the floors competing against each other

12 months later October 1999 had a broken engagement he had 3 fat ugly friends who were determined to split us up and succeeded. My heart was frozen and I thought I would never love again. Again I felt so humiliated, devastated, ashamed and embarrassed, how could I face the world. I felt like a gigantic failure and shattered my confidence

12 months later December 2000 after I finally got over my broken heart, my beloved dad was diagnosed with a brain tumour and received his wings 4 months later 2nd May 2001.

When he was diagnosed I wanted to curl up and die how much can one person endure. It took me 3 and half years to recover from my grief. I cried every day for 12 months, didn't go out for 2 years.

When dad was diagnosed with a brain tumour this is when I started wearing Hawaiian shirts and later silly hats to the office every Friday. As one of the boy’s from Canada used to wear them every Friday in the office. No matter how lousy I felt, they always made me smile and I continue this tradition and have over 50 Hawaiian shirts and silly hats. I call this my happy cupboard.

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2005 Won Volunteer of the year Award at MLC for all my volunteering, fund raising and charity work. Won a trip to New York - what a boost to my confidence, I was on top of the world. On this trip I also went to LA - Disneyland to New York and Hawaii on my return home. I have volunteered with Starlight since 2004.

It hasn’t stopped since then

2006 Was forced out of my home by the tenant from hell, who had more rights than me when I owned my unit, as she would not let me sleep with constant slamming of doors this went on for 6 months. Had to rent a tiny terrace so I could sleep. That is why I will never sell one unit. At least I can control the noise and we can all live in peace. I could not sue the owner of this unit, did you know there are no legal rules on this issue. I went to the tenants tribunal and lost, I wrote to the SMH and was interviewed on National TV by Helen Wellings.

Then had a severe nervous breakdown 2010, (spent my 50th bday in hospital ) with my then partners custody court case and my job I loved, working for my favourite boss, was made redundant and work rang me 30 minutes before I went into the witness box about a job and this broke my mind. My Drs said no one could endure that amount of pressure. Again I felt so ashamed, humiliated, embarrassed, lost all my confidence. I so wished I could turn back the clock and be well again. My Dr's did not think I would recover, I worked very hard every single day for 3 and half years to get well and proved them wrong.

Before I was 100 % Mum was diagnosed with dementia January 2013 and I have looked after her for the last 6 years. Been under huge financial pressures.

March 2013 we had mandatory Council Fire Orders with 8 pages of renovations that we must comply with and if you did not comply there was a $1 million fine.

2013, was a Starlight Ambassador when they celebrated 25 years in Australia. Had my life story told in the Starlight play, huge honour and it took enormous courage. How much do I tell of my life? Told it all after much soul searching. It ran for 10 nights at the Monkey Baa theatre, Darling Harbour Quarter, sponsored by Lend Lease. Lisa Chapple was going to play me, but my story was too confronting. Which is what gave me the Herculean courage to tell all my dire financial difficulties to help all carers. This huge honour helped me regain my confidence which has been destroyed too many times and helped me no longer feel like a gigantic failure in my life.

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With the amazing actress Kate Fraser who played me in the Starlight Play.

December 2014, the Friday before Christmas, was forced to resign from my job due to mum's dementia by a horrible boss. First time I thought we were going to lose everything !

Could not access any help from my aged care nor receive any tax concessions. Have spent all my super and sold my shares to pay for bills and living expenses. I have showered, dressed Mum, dealt with her double incontinence all on my own with no help. Paid for everything. Never have a weekend off. Have not had a holiday in 3 and half years.

October 2017 was facing $1 million dollar fine from council for not being compliant with mandatory Council Fire orders, as I had run out of money. I had severe chest pains going down my left arm.This was the second time I thought we were going to lose everything.

Put Mum into urgent respite care, paid for it on my credit cards, this is not tax deductible.

The professor of cardiology at the time did not tell me, he was very worried about my heart. I had ink in my heart for a CT scan and many tests to ensure my heart was OK. Thankfully my heart is fine. Council would wait as they are kind and compassionate.

1 June 2018 Mum stopped walking and I could not access any help. Am drowning in debt thanks to unjust NSW land tax, not extravagant living. Could not pay for help. Am desperate for a homecare package am told as they kept conveniently losing my paperwork, only 4 times, they had cancelled it, so mum is at the back of the queue, even though I applied for it almost 12 months earlier, it’s at least another 6 months wait. Have no family to help me.

2 July 2018 was threatened to have my mortgage defaulted by the NSW Chief Tax Commissioner. Third time I thought we were going to lose everything. I was absolutely devastated and cried, with nowhere to turn to for help.

When I wrote of my despair on social media it was a watershed. Lost a number of friends being a loud voice for all carers, who are arm chair critics, know jack shit, have knowledge of peas and mouths of watermelons.

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This has hurt me deeply, when the chips are down it gets rid of all the sunshine friends.

Am blessed, my friends have been so kind to me in so many ways helping me thru my darkest days.

I have many friends who have stuck by me for many years in spite of my endless challenges as I chose to be happy and made a life of my own.

My greatest wealth in my life has always been my friends.

The NSW Chief Tax Commissioner completely underestimated me when he threatened to default my mortgage when mum was dying. He thought this would scare me away. Am scared of nothing. My life has prepared me for the Deanna and Goliath Battle and I never give up. This huge injustice created the fire in my belly to protect all carers around the globe.

I have prepared carers strategies for every government around the world to implement to protect all our futures as we cannot wait for a cure / treatment for dementia as it is many years away, when there are over 100 types of dementia and 1 and 3 are being diagnosed.

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Contacted the Premier to meet to discuss this huge injustice.

Contacted many in the media for help, not one would help me. Fine I will help myself

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Wrote to 80 NSW MPs on the 8 July 2018 and rang 25 of them, 8 days later level 4 homecare package funding for Mum came thru 16 July 2018. Gigantic relief, a miracle.

That is why we need a Carers Only Ombudsman who can liaise with all levels of government, local, state and federal who can assist us, when we are in dire straits.

That night I broke my right wrist, as when you feel like the walking dead you do silly things. Watering the garden at night, tripped over the garden umbrella stand, fell backwards heavily on the concrete and broke my wrist.

Mum goes into respite care, which is not included in a self funded homecare package, 18 July 2018, of course have no money, paid for this on my credit cards, it’s not tax deductible. Come down with the flu for 3 weeks. Could not go and see mum. Feel lousy, feel like the walking dead am so tired.

Wanted to meet with the Premier re unjust land tax and being threatened to default my mortgage got an appalling, dismissive response re unjust land tax from her office 19 July 2018. Sent a furious response back.

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Sent her response and mine to the 25 MPs who I had rung 22 July 2018, thanking them for their help. Letting them know I have now broken my right wrist and cannot look after Mum for 12 weeks which I must pay for. Even with a broken right wrist this did not stop me from writing and fighting I used my left hand instead.

Receive a far better response from the Premiers office The NSW treasurer is now looking into unjust land tax 25 July 2018. Of course this came to nothing, just another fob off to add to my collection.

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Mum received her wings 29 August 2018, gigantic relief, her suffering is over, she is free at last.

I had to go into more debt to pay for Mum's funeral. I finally paid off her funeral costs August 2020 and have yet to intern her ashes and organise her head stone.

I have fought endlessly re unjust land tax

I have fought so hard re unjust NSW land tax where we are taxed twice and I will never give up fighting to get rid of it all together for everyone. It is the most unjust tax, all thanks to Neville Wran who introduced it.

Land tax is assessed on land value, but it does not follow property prices, which have fallen 20 %, it does not follow rents which have dropped, they do not assess your ability to pay it. We are taxed on our income and then we are taxed a second time with zero consideration of anything. If you have had no income, this is irrelevant, you still must pay this annual tax.

I am determined to have this unjust tax terminated for everyone. I keep hounding all 134 politicians individually of the NSW Parliament and the media re unjust tax and carers.

?Those who do not have property as an income, do not understand, by the time you pay all the bills, do all the work, are taxed on your income from the property and then you are taxed a second time with NSW land tax.

It takes the cream of the income and there is barely any income to live off. I have had no income to live off as it has all gone on bills and unjust land tax

NSW Land tax does not follow any rules, irrelevant if you have no income, property prices have dropped, rents have dropped. You cannot even access a claim for hardship. It is such an unjust tax.

They also do not understand, that many have sacrificed everything, to own property, worked hard even second and third jobs to get ahead.

My father worked 7 days a week all his life, he never went to the pub nor gambled. So he would have an income when he retired. Why should we be taxed twice for working hard.

The government really is saying best to spend everything, have nothing and only then we will help you. If you have anything, we expect you to spend the lot and only then we will help you.

A friend posted this up in response to my post re unjust land tax.

"I have just had to pay $160K in land tax to the NSW Revenue on my prime residence because when I bought it, it was derelict and heritage listed and I was required to do a range of government / Council instructions before I moved in - which outside the 1st 4 year window of tax exemption (which is calendar year and I bought in December). Despite lobbying like yourself up to the NSW Minister for Finance, our plea to remove or reduce was denied as "there was no scope in the legislation to remove the tax". We went into a payment plan, and after 2 1/2 years of paying $5K per month, we missed the payment by one day and were told that we were in breach of the arrangement and were required to pay the remaining $66K in full. We then were contacted by our bank to alert us that NSW Revenue had informed them that they would be selling our home to recover the unpaid land tax. Appalling! 

Keep on being the thorn in every politician's side and make your parents proud!!! They worked hard to look after you when they were gone. Take no prisoners!"

Where is the incentive to work hard and provide for your future and retirement ?

I have kept all their many fob offs - my responses in these links

NSW Land tax the most unjust tax in the world

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Even the Prime Minister was fobbed by the Premier's office

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Bureacrats know almost everyone will give up ! Except me !!!

Just like my beloved mum who fought for 8 years to save Rose Bay from the giant marina for all future generations to enjoy the harbour and won. I will fight to protect all carers around the globe.

Governments around the world are destroying carers health and financial security when we have lost our careers, spent our super, give us no help when we are saving the govt $60 billion dollars a year for all our care. 1 in 3 will be diagnosed with dementia.

Because I will never ever give up. One voice can change the world. My endless challenges have made me strong and fearless.

I see what lies ahead and the dementia pandemic is going to affect every member of the population by either being diagnosed 1 in 3 will be diagnosed or 1 in 10 will become carers and far more taxes for all future generations to support carers in their old age

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My mightiest sword the pen is ready to help protect all the silent sufferers the carers of the global dementia pandemic. Because things have to change.My greatest weapon is the truth!

I learnt this when I saved the Elvis Express XPT Train in 24 hours in January 2018, when NSW trains was going to cancel the train. Not on my my watch.

This empowered me to fight and write for all carers and my mission is to ensure they are supported, protected and respected around the globe.

Attending the Elvis Festival is my annual 5 days of pure joy and the rest have been pure misery. I am on the news each year the second Thursday in January for the departure of the world famous Elvis Express XPT train. I'm in the pink January 2020. We all dress up, each year it is a different theme. We leave all our troubles behind at Central, we dance, sing, party to Elvis for the next 5 days, the best 5 days of the year.

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One voice can change the world and I intend to be that voice.

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Like Apollo 13 Failure is not an Option

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Since my speech in Rome at my first global dementia conference 15 Oct 19.

I have now been invited to speak at global dementia conferences in London, Montreal, Bangkok, Barcelona, Osaka, Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam and Dubai.

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When I posted this picture up on Facebook, a friend responded with "A mountain or a piece of cake for you? my response "piece of cake for me because I am Hercules and am determined to protect all carers and our futures!"

My go fund me, which has been shared 68 times on Facebook, 2 February 2020 I have raised $2300 so I can book my flights to speak in London, am over the moon, thank you for your extreme generosity. As I cannot afford to self fund to attend these global dementia conferences.

I am waiting to confirm the venue details for the London dementia conference as they have not posted up the venue details. I will not book my flights till I am certain there is a venue booked and have confirmed with the venue they are holding the conference. I would never take for granted nor take advantage of others kindness. I am an honourable person and my integrity is very important to me. I did this before I booked my flights to Rome to speak at my first global dementia conference

Then Covid hit March 2020.

Am ready for battle, let the games begin !

I want my life back and to be free of all my unjust financial difficulties thanks to NSW Unjust Land Tax, not extravagant living. So I can change the world and protect all our futures from the global dementia Humanitarian crisis.

My Final Submission Nov 2020 to the recommendations, which do nothing for carers

My new mission statement after the RCAC was such a huge disappointment and did nothing for Carers March 2021

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My dream is to speak at the United Nations as we have a global humanitarian crisis with 1 in 10 full time unpaid carers who sacrifice everything to take care of their loved ones, which is affecting the global community.

Huge honour my high school did my profile as a humanitarian.

Above is from this article below

That is an enormous story filled with more emotions and problems than most people would go through in 6 lifetimes and you survived! A mighty battle won and I admire your strength and ability to carry on! Not sure I could have done it. ( a comment from Facebook after reading my story)



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