To All My Business Connections!
Joseph Todisco
I Help Companies Save Massive Amounts Of Capital On Energy Supply, Energy Demand, Water, Waste & Procurement
I am an Consultant with the EN Group. We have 4 Areas of Expertise, each of which is focused on reducing operational expenses and at the same time augment our client's sustainability objectives. We provide unbiased solutions within the areas of Energy Supply, Energy Demand, Water and Waste Management.
If your company is engaged or will be engaged in any of these Energy Needs I'm sure it would be to your companies benefit to check us out, as we could be your go to Energy Partner. What I would like to do is send you some information via email and perhaps schedule you for a 15 minute " meet and greet" with our management team so we can discuss some potential synergies. My Email is [email protected]
Warm Regards, Joe Todisco