By all means do AI but for the right reasons.
Worksomemore & AI

By all means do AI but for the right reasons.

I was enthralled by the perspective shared by one amazing tech founder I met just last week. It resonated with my own belief; my obsession with the GAP. He said, many people are chasing the AI buzz, approaching it from a fear of missing out - FOMO - perspective. Consultants and opportunist are riding on this FOMO and using the buzz words that play on this fear. You see in the media constantly, "Don't get left behind!", "Are you keeping up with AI", "Have you implemented AI" etc. That perspective is really about getting into a technology for the sake of it, he argues. Many experts agree (just ask your friendly neighborhood AI and it will tell you all about it).

Yet we all know in business that we do not do anything because everyone is doing it. We succeed in business when we obsess with the GAP. The GAP between need and solution. We obsess with how we can serve clients and deliver on their identified and understood need in a manner that differentiates us from the next solution giver. We seek to do this profitably. We obsess with questioning how we can make life and business better for our clients through our solutioning. With this as primary, we obsess with finding the freshest and most efficient way to deliver the solution.

Our obsession with AI should therefore be one to seek understanding of what AI as a technology, can do. How it can offer a fresh and efficient solution. We obsess, for instance, with what LLMs are all about. What solutions this new technology configuration offers. With such understanding one can then match the key of understanding from AI and LLM's in particular to answering the primary question of closing the client GAP. In the euphoria of AI, this insight is the gamechanger.

Sound advice? What do you think? Are you keeping up?


