All about job!
What is work(job)?I will not write a post or an article here.I will instead express my feelings,views however crude or na?ve they may appear to one.I may appear desperate or depressed,but I am going to put forward this.I am a Maths person and I understand the notion of input/output and processing.I was really fed up with this system of our society functioning.I would never like to end up being one of you. I am going to struggle and work hard against the tide until I find myself over the things as exactly I would like to be.You may call me as a rebel,which I think I am not.I have read and seen many characters in the books and movies which are known as ‘rebels’.Indians are not natural initiators or good impoverishers at all.Just talk of good innovations,Indians are nowhere in the list.Atleast Westerners have made a try in many cases like “The FountainHead” by Ayn Rand. I am a Maths teacher where job will be like barter system,give and take services or goods,my input would be to be just and fair with my engagements and naturally I would like to expect a good return as output.Job shouldn’t be everything as is the case with many people,it’s just a part of our dealings with people.So I have the courage to say that to me doing Superior Mathematics is an important aspiration and part of my life,and doing job is secondary which is going to meet my other needs,which I sometime think is superfluous and not important at all.Job is an unnecessary part of our lives.