All In All It’s Not Just Another Brick In The Wall

All In All It’s Not Just Another Brick In The Wall

"Another Brick in the Wall" is a three-part composition written by bassist?Roger Waters on?Pink Floyd's 1979 double album?“The Wall”.

In "Another Brick in the Wall – Part 2" there is a line:

“All In All It’s Just Another Brick In The Wall”

This blog article that I have written today draws reference to that line, but does not relate in any way, shape, or form to the theme of these tracks on the album, which reference Waters’ views on his formal education, particularly the Cambridgeshire School for Boys.

My use of the line, with the addition of the word NOT, is in reference to the attached photo of a perimeter wall in suburban St Ives in Sydney that certainly appears to have lacked sufficient preparation and specific standards.

To me, a wall needs to be more than just a collection of bricks.

The picture shows a wall that has moved and separated considerably due to shallow foundations, and also due to lack of integration of brickwork between the higher pillars and the lower connecting parts of the wall.

To put it simply, this wall is A DOG’S BREAKFAST.

It's a disgrace, and it needs to be ripped down and rebuilt properly, with adequate foundations and with integrity of all parts.

“Why Is it So?”

You have to ask the question as to how this wall got to be built in this state?

Did the builder short-change the homeowner and just build something that looked good on day one [payday] but was never going to last?

Who certified the works?

I know when I built a perimeter wall at my Sydney home in 2002, my neighbours who inspected the depths of my footings asked me what exactly I was building, because the footings for the fence were so deep!!

This fence here in St Ives looks to have been built with no footings at all, and in fact the separation of parts shown in the photographs suggests a very dodgy build in the first place, that’s for sure.

You’d have to wonder…

You’d have to wonder whether the homeowners had any idea on how INADEQUATE their fence construction was.

Frankly, with the separation of parts, it looks as though a strong wind will blow the poor old fence over.

In life and in business…

This fence is a metaphor.

In life and in business, there will always be SHONKY PEOPLE ready to take advantage of any unsuspecting “wood duck” who is willing to “trust” a person [or a tradesman] on face value…

And there are plenty of shonky people who will target the na?ve.

Because they can.

And they believe that it is their God given right to do so.

To target the na?ve.

Others of us have values.

And would never look to take advantage of the gullible.

But there will always be those parasites in society, who prey on the weak, the uneducated, and the trusters.

In life, and in business, you do need to have your radar up.

Because when you drop your guard, when you least suspect it, when you open your trust, you will become a victim to the unscrupulous.


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Dr. Jeffrey Buske

THE LIMITLESS DENTIST - It's All A State Of Mind. reducing stress, overwhelm and burnout, so that you can "Have It All" with a challenge based lifestyle achieving peak performance and accelerating to become Limitless

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Your insights resonate deeply, Dr. David Moffet BDS FPFA CSP. Trust is essential, yet it must be paired with discernment. My journey taught me that true growth comes from intentional learning and self-awareness, not just chasing accolades. We must prioritize our values and surround ourselves with those who uplift us, ensuring our practices reflect our best selves.

Yung Starling

Business Owner at Starling Mobile Dental Care

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So true! It's crucial to stay vigilant and trust your instincts. While building relationships is important, being cautious can save us from potential pitfalls. Great reminder!

Bill Quiseng

Chief Experience Officer at Award-winning Customer CARE Expert, Keynote Speaker, and Blogger

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Dr. Moffet, thank you for sharing your insight??FULL article about your analogy between the brick wall and life. Granted, you see the brick wall as yourself establishing your core values to move straight ahead despite the trials and tribulations of your life. I understand, but with GREAT respect, I do not see our lives as brick walls, steadfast in the direction we envisioned for our future. Instead, I see myself as a hard wire fence with posts in between where my future is determined with the posts being staked down just five years beyond. The hardwire fence could bend but would not break with the onslaught of belligerent customers for the heavy winds and thunderstorms of outside influences analogous to the changing economy or unforeseen issues like COVID. So, my life is like a hardwire fence. So, to paraphrase: ?? "Bend me, shape me." ?? ?? Any way I want me. ?? ?? I got the power ?? ?? to turn on the light. ?? Just saying. Or just singing ?? This time, even though we agree to disagree, we can interact without being disagreeable. So, from me, a grateful patient care advocate to you, a GREAT dental practice and profitability expert, I very much ?? appreciate you.
