All About Inclinometers: Types, How They Work, & Functions
Geotechnical monitoring and instrumentation is a vast field that includes risk management, structural health monitoring, hazard prevention, and early-warning systems using geotechnical sensors. One such geotechnical instrument is the Inclinometer or Clinometer. An inclinometer is a sensor that measures the magnitude of slope, tilt, elevation, or depression of an object with respect to the gravity.
Inclinometer Sensors are of various types and sizes. Here we will discuss about all the different Models of inclinometers that Encardio-Rite has, along with their working principle, construction, specifications, features, and applications.
What are the Different Types of Inclinometers?
Encardio-Rite deals with one of the most advanced MEMS digital inclinometer systems, tele co-ordinometers, and in-place inclinometers. The Encardio-Rite’s Models of Inclinometers include:
- Model EAN-26M Digital Inclinometer System
- Model EAN-26M-2 Vertical Inclinometer Probe Inclinometer System
- Model EAN-51MV, EAN-52MV Vertical In-Place Inclinometer System
- Model EDS-50/EDS-51 Normal & Inverted Plumb Line with...[Continue Reading....]