All I want is the truth
My first encounter with the dishonest underbelly of the financial world was the time we purchased our first home from a friend. The agent represented both my friend and me. During the negotiation, it became clear to me that the agent was working for my friend's interest and not mine.
I said to my wife, I think we should get our own agent. We mentioned this to my friend's agent, and she yelled and screamed at us. Later, we found out that she hid some very important features about the house which later cost us $10,000 to fix. Yes, an expensive lesson.
After years in the financial service industry, I found that it attracts some of the most unscrupulous people who will tell you want you to want to hear so they can make money from you. Are there good people in the industry? Yes, some extraordinary people but, they are very difficult to find.
How do you find them?
First, I discovered that the best financial people would share information with you that is in your best interest and they are willing to lose you as their client as a consequence.
Over the years, while working with hundreds of financial people, I have concluded that there are 5 critical questions you must ask before you enter into a business relationship with a financial professional and I will share them with you.
I want to send this information only to people who want it so, click here to learn more about our upcoming MoneyWorks workshop and you will start to receive the information I promised.
MoneyWorks workshops empower you to take control and manage your own money. Our workshop includes information on Wealth building, Real Estate Investing and Credit repair and much more. Join our workshop.