All I want for Christmas is…
All I want for Christmas is…
Dear Santa (yes, it’s that time of year),
Thought I would call in as the kids are very excited; did you receive their letters?
I actually wanted to contact you about something I want.
I’m a Quantity Surveyor with a nightmare client giving me grief and let’s just say I hope they get coal in their stocking!
Anyway, I’m currently working for a Consultancy near London (I’m sure you know it?) and have been there for a few years now (I’ve only ever known this company!).
It’s ok, but… it’s just ok.
My Boss is always busy, and they struggle to find the time to sit down with me. I’m around half way through APC, but one of my QS friends just sat his exam and I feel like that should be me! Also, the projects are becoming a little predictable.
Don’t get me wrong, the team is a great laugh, but I think it’s time for a fresh challenge where I can take my career to the next level.
So, the real reason for the letter is that I need your advice Santa. How do I go about starting the process of moving company?
My first thought was that I should put my CV on all the job boards, but I hear so many Christmas nightmares about my CV going everywhere without me knowing.
I’ve thought about applying directly, but I don’t know too many other companies and the job specs seem very generic!
Therefore Santa, all I want for Christmas is a recruitment consultancy I can trust. Someone who listens to what I want, someone who I can have a proper conversation with about what’s potentially out there for me!
I have only been at one company my entire QS career, so if they could find me a nice mix of consultancies, that would be amazing. Someone who isn’t going to waste my time with an interview which is for a role I’m not suited for.
I would like to work with someone who I can trust will give me an honest and objective opinion when I need their advice. And when all is said and done, we could go for a Christmas pint (or two).
Santa, if you could find me someone like that, I promise not to eat all your mince pies before you stop by!
Merry Christmas,
Quantity Surveyor
Dear QS,
Thank you for your note, it made a nice change getting a letter where someone wasn’t asking for an iphone!
I have to be honest, this isn’t my area of expertise but I have had a chat with a few of the Elves in the workshop (many of them used to work in the Construction Industry before the global downturn but retrained as shoemakers and toy makers to make ends meet) and the same name kept coming up.
I have just checked and lots of lots of the recruitment consultants are on the ‘Naughty List’ but one company seems to have most of their Consultants near the top of the ‘Nice List’!
I have put the company name in my big red sack and as long as you are asleep when I get to your house on Christmas Eve, I’ll leave a link to the website under the tree.
Quick note. I am sick to death of Mince Pies and have a gluten intolerance but if you have one of those ‘Doner Kebab’ things you could get your hands on that would be great. I’d have had a few Sherrys by then and I always seem to crave one….
Ho Ho Ho!