All I Really Need to Know, I Learned From My Audiences
Regina M. Clark, CSP
Engaging Keynote Speaker, Master Trainer, and Ted X Speaker. Author of PIVOT Principles, WOW Your Customer or Somebody Else Will, 101 Ways to Improve the Patient Experience, Step Up to Leadership
Years ago Robert Fulghum wrote an essay titled All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. It was a clever and creative essay but there were a few things that were missing.
These are the important things that I have learned from my audiences:
o Laughter is powerful. Research has proved that laughter reduces stress. When I make my audiences laugh, I book more speaking engagements. When was the last time that you made someone laugh?
o Be flexible and have a contingency plan. Sometimes things don’t go as scheduled; it’s really not a big deal as long as you have a back up plan.
o Diversity is good. Diverse people and diverse thinking leads to better ideas.
o Always look professional and appropriate, if you don’t people won’t take you seriously.
o Start and end on time. Everyone appreciates it.
o Food is important. You can be the best speaker in the world but the meeting will not be a success unless the food is delicious, the coffee is hot and the wait staff is polite.
o Be prepared. You can’t fake competence.
o Have fun. If you enjoy what you do, everyone will enjoy working with you and being part of your team.
o When you ask the right questions, you get good information.
o Don’t sweat the small stuff. Not everyone will like your style and that’s okay as long as you are sincere.
o Develop long term relationships. Each booking can lead to other bookings as long as I stay in touch.
o Remember people’s names. It means a lot.
o Always give 100%, even when you don’t feel like it.
o Become an outstanding host or hostess! A few months ago, a woman from my audience thanked me for delivering an inspiring keynote but she was much more impressed with me because I hung up her coat and helped her find a seat.
o Give away free stuff. Everyone likes presents.
o Become a life long learner and know what is going on in the world. My programs are always more interesting when I can talk about current events, world leaders, sports figures, business mergers and other interesting stuff.
o Interact. If my audience isn’t engaged, they are bored.
o Storytelling is a gift. Kids love stories and adults love stories. My audience might not remember my name, but they will remember my stories.
o It’s not about me, it’s about them!
And as Robert Fulgham wrote, no matter how old you are, when you go out in the world, it is best to hold hands and stick together. And when you step up to the microphone, remember that it is not about you, it is always about pleasing the audience!