All I need
On my grateful walk with Bella in Key West,
I spent some time
in gratitude for flowers.
They have been on quite a journey
from a tiny seed
placed deep into the darkness of the dirt
growing each day toward the light
trusting in enough sunshine and rain
to grow
and one day to bloom.
They reminded me that I have been given all I need today...
A roof over my head
Food in my belly
A healthy body to take a grateful walk
Sunshine on my face
and the reminder that I am overflowing with other blessings like My joyful companion Bella
A computer, camera and internet to post this
Flowers on my path
and a deepened faith that all I need for my journey is provided
if I look with grateful eyes.
Looking for more? Check out my new books "Grateful Walks - Key West Inspirations", "Grateful Walks with Bella" or subscribe to the Grateful Walks blog