All Humans Equal? No! - pt1
My prequalification holds. I am still open to public challenge. Publicly display your facts proving me wrong. I will do same, showing me right, and logically painting you wrong.
I have seen documentaries with PhD people indicating they were told by professors in universities “Africa has no history”. What? Are these clowns out of their frigging minds? Afruika has no history? Read the following, then you decide and share. Are all humans equal? I will easily demonstrate they are not, despite the lies and propaganda.
Let’s warm-up with the creation of life – done in Ethiopia, thus demonstrating the first people as Ethiopians/Afruikans, Black people. Who has the highest body-mass of melanin? Afruikans. Who has the highest DNA count? Afruikans. Let’s look at inventions – the pyramids, done by Ethiopians (not Egyptians) hundreds of thousand of years ago, still confuses experts with the ‘how’. The cellular phone – invented by an Afruikan-American. The airplane, blimp, battle-tank, helicopter, glider, were used by the Ethiopians and Egyptians thousands of years ago. I know, you were schooled into believing these items were invented by white people. They were not. Gunpowder was used by Hannibal (Carthaginian/Ethiopian/Black-man) in crossing the mountains to defeat the Romans. Yes, again I know, you were schooled into believing it was India/China that invented gunpowder. It was not. They learned things gunpowder from the Ethiopians (regardless of derivative). I will pause for now, continuing this at a later date.
I will keep doing this, until Afruikans begin learning and demonstrating who they are, their glory and wisdom. Truth will prevail. Nowhere in their Yahweh-forsaken minds could they have seen truth coming as it is.
190104 George Mac D Lynch