It Is All About How You Duplicate

It Is All About How You Duplicate

We hear it all the time in this industry: “it’s not what you do, it’s what you duplicate.”

Duplication is one of the most important concepts of network marketing; it is the key to great success and generous profits. Our business model is dependent on team-building, passing on information from one person to another. We call this generations. The compensation plan rewards the individual representative for their own efforts, but also their teams’ efforts in different generations. If you crack the “duplication code” you are on track to great success. The better your systems and tools for “copying or cloning” are, the more identical the message throughout the whole organization, and generations, will be. Nobody has to be an expert; all we have to do is to “plug in” to a system and share some tools or duplicate what our business partners does.

When I was a child, we used to have birthday parties with all our friends, and we played a lot of games. Depending on how old you are, you might remember the “whispering game”. We divided the guests into two teams and lined them up. One of the adults whispered a message to the first person of both lines. Then each player whispers the message to the next player in the group successively until last person in line has the message. The team which can repeat the message first and correctly wins. We had a lot of fun with this, and it was very rare that the message that was transported though several individuals was the same in the end as delivered in the front of the line. Can you imagine how accurate the message would have been at the end of the line if we had used a “tool” e.g. the message written on paper? Then it wouldn’t have been a fun and quirky game, but it would have delivered the 100% same message, no matter how many “generations” it had passed.

Network marketing is a “word-of-mouth” trade, where we pass on our own excitement and experience about the products we love, and we would love for others to learn about and experience as well. My job, and main responsibility, is to teach the people I invite into the process, and the job for those I educated is to do the exact same for the people they invite. However, since our role in network marketing is to motivate a “large number of people to do a few simple things over a long period of time” it is brilliant to share what works for you with people who find it complicated or difficult and make a foundation for the sharing in a way that ANYBODY can duplicate. With a system like this it will be within reach for every single person to build a large network marketing team.

Your first level business partners are duplicating or copying what you are doing. Then they “turn around” and duplicate to their first level, this again is duplicated to their first level and so on. This is how you create a compound effect, and the effect of all the small efforts, all the involved parties in the organization do, leads to success. You might know from finance; compound interest can lead to surprisingly large returns. A penny that doubles in value each day for 31 days ends up being worth over $10 million. Can you imagine how your business can benefit from the same effect?

Network marketing?without?duplication is like needing water for a whole village and each habitant has to carry their own water in buckets from the neighbouring village. It takes time, it needs a lot of buckets, it involves hours of labour, and it is exhausting. A lot of water might also be spilled on the way home.

Network marketing?with?duplication is like installing water-pipes to each house in the village. Individuals can now have as much water they want, whenever they want. They do not need to know the route to the next village, they don’t necessarily need to be strong, they do not have to have buckets, and they do not have to set aside time – they just open the faucet when they need water. Can you see the difference?

In network marketing one of our goals is to help a lot of people to freedom, leverage, and sustainability. Therefore, we always must think: “what I am doing now – can the rest of my organization do it as well?” If not, we might have to change our strategy. The things we do need to be simple, and our strategy should involve tools like pictures, pre-recorded videos with experiences and explanations from others, websites and simple, doable things – nothing fancy and difficult. When we are able to establish this, all of the people we talk with immediately think: “I can do this!” and they can! In this way all your new business partners, no matter what generation they are, are starting in the same and right way. You do not have to monitor or control all your generations action, and you will reach your targets.

For duplication to happen, you need to TEACH your first level, you cannot expect that people find out things on their own. We are building the distribution channels for the company by making sales of the company’s products and recruiting others to the company. One of our main responsibilities as being a upline member (or as we call it; “sponsor”) is to teach and support all the team members. Without that there will not be any learning and no success.

In our industry, we say “ we lead by example”. You probably start to understand why this is so important and how the practical work in team, with tools and simple systems, is the best way to do this. With the duplicable and simple system, it also takes away the pressure from every individual of being a good “teacher” or “sponsor”, because the new business partner’s success is not dependent on anyone else than themself. They just have to “plug in” to the existing duplication system. The people who like what you do will follow you, others will take some of your ideas and create their own tools and systems to build their organization. There are thousands of books written about this topic, there are hundreds of online-trainings and tutorials, but the only way to really understand and do the work is learning by doing.

The sooner you can connect with, or design, a system with duplication the sooner your entire organization will start to grow, and your weekly income will grow.?Network marketing is all about duplication.


?If you have any questions about how I can help you get started, please get in touch!


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