All Great Things Should Be Hard
Paul Melella Jr
Author of Best Seller, YOU Have Infinite Power | Co-Founder of Empowered Mastery/ premier coach for Financial Advisors and business professionals
Most of our society, especially the younger generation, expects great things, but lacks the patience for those great things to manifest. Having patience is not an easy quality to develop. Our society wants everything and expects it now! There is a natural universal law called, "The Law of Gestation." This law states that?every process needs to go through a period of time during which it is conceptualized and actualized. Think about this for a moment...if you plant a seed in the ground and ask yourself, “Where the hell is the plant?”...would that be realistic? Of course not.
I remember when our son, Pierce, was in kindergarten and he brought back this plastic cup with dirt in it. Y’all remember this project? He comes home and tells me he has a plant. I know what it is, but ask him, “Where’s the plant, buddy?” He responded and told me that he has to water it, give it sunlight, and nurture that seed. It takes a lot of effort and time for that seed to manifest and it has a certain gestation period. This takes patience! You know and believe that after planting that seed and giving it the proper attention it needs to will grow, right? Well, the same law applies to your health, your relationships, and your businesses. This, at times, isn't a matter of fact it’s fricken really difficult and takes a ton of patience in order to see the results germinate into manifestation. You know what sucks about this? A shit ton of weeds will grow around the seed you plant, which will attempt to choke out your beautiful plant. You know the weeds, right? They are the negative people telling you that you can’t do it, they're the negative thoughts that attempt to hold you back and manipulate you to give up and quit. It’s the negative crap you watch on television or on social media. You have to constantly pluck out the weeds and nurture those seeds you plant. So, have a little patience, marry the process and divorce the short term results. Have patience and belief that your seeds will grow into that beautiful garden.