All in the Generative AI Family:  How ChatGPT, DALL-E, BERT, BlenderBot & All the Relatives Will Change Business
Photo by Andrea De Santis on Unsplash

All in the Generative AI Family: How ChatGPT, DALL-E, BERT, BlenderBot & All the Relatives Will Change Business

Let’s stipulate that you can find an article, tweet, post on generative AI almost everywhere.?Everyone’s weighing in –?McKinsey,?Microsoft,?TechTarget,?Accenture?The New York Timesand of course?OpenAI?– among so many others way too numerous to name here.??

It’s a reporting frenzy, for sure.

Is all of the coverage warranted?

As ChatGPT tells us (when I asked, “why is generative important?”):

“Generative AI refers to a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that is able to generate new, original content based on a set of input parameters.??This type of AI has the potential to revolutionize a number of fields, including:

“Creative industries:??Generative AI can be used to create original works of art, music, and literature.??This could allow for the creation of new content at a much faster rate than is possible with human effort alone.

“Product design:??Generative AI can be used to design new products based on a set of desired characteristics.??This could lead to the creation of novel and innovative products that might not have been possible with traditional design methods.

“Medical research:??Generative AI can be used to generate new hypotheses and ideas for medical research, which could lead to more rapid progress in the field.

“Marketing and advertising:??Generative AI can be used to create new marketing and advertising campaigns based on a set of desired outcomes. This could allow for more targeted and effective marketing efforts.

“Overall, generative AI has the potential to significantly impact a wide range of fields by enabling the creation of new content and ideas at a faster rate than is possible with human effort alone.??This has the potential to drive innovation and progress in a variety of areas.”

Or how about when I asked:??“is generative AI just another technology fad?”:

“It is difficult to predict whether generative AI will turn out to be just another technology fad or a lasting and significant technological advancement.??Generative AI, which refers to a type of artificial intelligence (AI) that is able to generate new, original content based on a set of input parameters, has the potential to revolutionize a number of fields, including the creative industries, product design, medical research, and marketing and advertising.

“However, it is important to note that generative AI is still a relatively new and rapidly evolving field, and it is likely that the capabilities of these systems will continue to improve over time.??It is also possible that generative AI may face challenges or limitations that could limit its widespread adoption and impact.

“Overall, it is difficult to predict the long-term future of generative AI.??It is important for businesses and organizations to stay up-to-date with developments in the field and to carefully consider the potential benefits and risks of adopting this technology.”

What’s New?

Generative tools can “solve” all sorts of problems.??There are text, code, voice, image, art, music and video generators, among others yet to be developed; applications include natural language, image processing, finance, accounting and design, among others yet to be discovered.?

But how does all this differ from machine learning???I asked ChatGPT:??“what's the difference between machine learning and generative AI?”

“Machine learning is a method of training artificial intelligence (AI) systems to perform tasks by exposing them to data and allowing them to learn from it.??It involves training a model on a dataset and then using the trained model to make predictions or decisions based on new inputs.??Machine learning can be supervised, in which the model is trained with labeled data and the desired output is provided, or unsupervised, in which the model is not given any labeled data and must find patterns and relationships in the data on its own.

“Generative AI is a type of AI that is focused on generating new content, such as text, images, or audio.??It does this by learning the patterns and characteristics of a particular type of data, and then using that knowledge to create new, similar examples.??Generative AI can be trained using various machine learning techniques, such as neural networks or probabilistic models.

“One key difference between machine learning and generative AI is that the latter is specifically designed to generate new content, whereas machine learning can be used for a wide range of tasks, including prediction, classification, and optimization.??Additionally, generative AI often relies on unsupervised learning, as it is generating content that may not have a clear "correct" output.”

Why Should We Care?

Let’s ask:??“why should we care about generative AI?”

“There are several reasons why generative AI may be of interest or importance:

“Creativity:??Generative AI has the potential to create new, original content in a way that is difficult or impossible for humans to do.??This can be particularly useful in fields such as art, music, and literature, where creativity is a key aspect of the work.

“Efficiency:??Generative AI can potentially generate large amounts of content quickly and efficiently, which can be useful in situations where a large volume of content is needed, such as in marketing or content creation.

“Personalization:??Generative AI can be used to create customized content for individual users, based on their preferences and characteristics.??This could be used to create personalized advertisements, recommendations, or other types of content.

“Insight:??Generative AI can be used to analyze and understand patterns and trends in large amounts of data, which can provide insight into complex systems and help inform decision making.

“Novel applications: Generative AI has the potential to enable new and innovative applications that were previously not possible. For example, it could be used to create personalized education materials or to design and optimize new products or processes.

“Overall, generative AI has the potential to bring significant benefits and advances in a wide range of fields and industries.??However, it is also important to consider the potential risks and ethical implications of this technology, and to ensure that it is developed and used responsibly.”


There wasn’t much of me in this article.

What do you think???

Brian Thamm

President @ Sophinea Corp | Data Engineering, AI/ML, and Business Intelligence

1 年

Interesting, but prefer your thoughts over ChatGPT’s “thoughts.” :) One interesting point is using the tool almost as a prompt to help expand one’s perspective. We can get stuck within artificial walls of what may be possible. There are certainly existing tools and methods to break through. However, it will be interesting to see how Generative AI might compare.



