All About Gateway Drugs
Thomas Andrew Duinne Arnold Palmerstone?? Verified Consultant
For many people, addiction is a road that begins with seemingly harmless choices. What starts as a puff of a cigarette or sip of someone else’s drink can quickly become substance use.
This substance can serve as a gateway drug, leading down a path of addiction and dangerous outcomes.
What are Gateway Drugs?
A gateway drug refers to a substance that is believed to increase the likelihood of progressing to the use of more potent and harmful drugs. They can be a precursor to other drugs or an entry point into a broader cycle of drug abuse.
Gateway drugs flood the brain with dopamine. This changes neural pathways, making people more susceptible to drug addiction. The most common gateway drugs are:
For decades, the gateway theory influenced assumptions around drug abuse. However, some experts have criticized this approach in recent years, arguing it’s incomplete.
History of Gateway Drugs
The idea of a progression in substance use from weaker to harder drugs goes back to the 1930s. Known as Stepping Stone Theory, it suggested an inevitable progression from marijuana to the use of harder drugs, such as heroin.?
However, in 1975, Denise Kandel’s Gateway Hypothesis challenged this idea. Unlike the Stepping Stone Theory, the Gateway Hypothesis suggests that gateway drugs don’t always lead to more severe drug use.
The Gateway Drug Hypothesis?
While known under various names since the 1930s, Denise Kandel coined Gateway Hypothesis in 1975. Kandel noted in two studies that those who used dangerous substances such as opioids (such as heroin) or amphetamines (such as speed) progressed through stages.?
According to Kandel’s research, 27% of young people who smoke marijuana first experimented with alcohol and tobacco products. Additionally, 26% of young adults who used marijuana later progressed to LSD, amphetamines, and heroin.?
In other words, gateway drugs are not necessarily a starting point for most people who turn to harder drugs, but Kandel's evidence suggests a link.
Prescription Drugs and Gateway Drug Theory
Prescription drugs, such as painkillers and other medications, have also been linked to the gateway drug theory. Studies suggest that these substances can lead to the use of illicit drugs.
Prescription painkillers (such as those containing codeine) are particularly dangerous, as they can lead to addiction and increased risk of overdose. This is particularly true when these drugs are obtained illegally.
Prescription pills, such as sedatives and stimulants, can also lead to addiction if taken in large doses or without a prescription. People may also become addicted to these drugs after trying them recreationally.
How Accurate is the Theory??
Controversy surrounds the legitimacy of the Gateway Theory, which fails to account for the causes of addiction sufficiently.?
Critics argue that environmental factors, genetics, and mental health play a significant role. It’s important to note that not everyone who uses gateway drugs progresses to using more dangerous substances.
Common Gateway Drugs?
Nicotine is one of the most common gateway drugs, followed by alcohol. It’s a stimulant that gives tobacco users a sense of mental alertness.?
Nicotine is most commonly inhaled through cigarette smoke or vaping devices, though it can also be absorbed into the gums via snuff. It’s also one of the most common substances young people try for the first time use.
Nicotine is habit-forming and is considered by some to be as addictive as heroin. This is partly due to its high accessibility and ability to amplify pleasurable activities.
Nicotine Side Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms
Short-term side effects of nicotine use include:
Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal include:
Prevalence of Nicotine Addiction
There’s a strong link between illicit drug use and tobacco products, especially by young people. According to a 2014 study, 87.9% of young adult cocaine users had smoked cigarettes.7?
By contrast, only 2.9% of cocaine users had no cigarette experience. Studies in mice also show that nicotine primed them to self-administer cocaine, but the reverse was untrue. This indicates nicotine is uniquely suited to be a gateway drug.
Another rodent study demonstrates nicotine’s biomechanical mechanisms in “priming” the brain for other illegal drugs like cocaine. The results showed that biological changes occurred in the brain’s reward-seeking pathways.
Overall, multiple studies suggest that these effects are most substantial during adolescence. This indicates that young people exposed to nicotine are particularly vulnerable to future substance use disorders (SUD).
Illicit Substances Linked to Nicotine Use
Illegal substances linked to nicotine use include:
Marijuana is the most commonly used drug after nicotine and alcohol and the most frequently used illegal drug overall.?It’s typically smoked, though users can also ingest it.?
Marijuana acts upon the brain through the chemical THC, a psychoactive compound that produces euphoria and heightened sensory perception.?
Marijuana Side Effects and Withdrawal Symptoms
The most common side effects of marijuana are:
Their long-term effects associated with chronic marijuana use include:
Epidemiological studies have yielded conflicting results on marijuana’s role as a gateway drug. Several variables appear to play a role, including the drug’s potency, availability, the user’s mental health and age, and potency level.
However, animal studies have shown a significant overlap in the neural pathways affected by THC and opioids. Adolescent rodents introduced to cannabis exhibited a greater preference for opioids than the control group.3?That is to say, that cannabis users can more easily develop a preference for opioid use than non-cannabis users.
Illicit Substances Linked to Marijuana Use
Illegal substances linked to marijuana use include:
Like nicotine and cannabis, alcohol is a popular gateway drug. It’s a central nervous system depressant and the active ingredient in beer, wine, and spirits. It’s consumed primarily for recreation but also for cultural and religious reasons.
When consumed, the user feels a sense of euphoria, relaxation, and increased sociability. Alcohol is habit-forming, and excessive consumption induces physical dependency.?
Alcohol Side Effects and Prevalence
Some other alcohol side effects include:
The long-term adverse health effects of alcohol use disorder are numerous. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, these include:
According to the National Institute of Health, almost 6% of adults in 2018 experienced Alcohol Use Disorder. Thus, nearly every person has the experience, either personal or through loved ones, with AUD.
Illicit Substances Linked to Alcohol Use
Illicit substances linked to alcohol use include:
How Gateway Drug Use Can Lead to Addiction
Studies are shedding light on the biological mechanism that drives addiction. It’s been noted for a long time that there’s a pattern in how people progress from experimenting with gateway drugs to more harmful substances.?
Researchers have examined animal behaviour and found that all drugs — including gateway drugs — activate the same neural pathway and cause structural and chemical changes in the brain. This makes individuals more susceptible to developing Substance Use Disorder.
The Role of Early Exposure in Gateway Drug Use
Early exposure to gateway drugs is a strong predictor of later SUD. Two factors that can increase the risk of early exposure are:
People with multiple risk factors are more susceptible to progressing from gateway drug use to addiction. This is especially common among those who experiment at an early age.
Risk Factors for Illicit Drug Use
Risk factors include:
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders
How to Prevent Addiction Before It Starts
Research indicates that the adolescent brain is especially receptive to SUD development. Therefore, educating young people about the perils of drugs is critical to curbing addiction.?
Therefore, it’s essential to inform parents, teachers, and other adults in the lives of young people about the specific dangers of this stage of life for drug misuse. Raising awareness and taking proactive measures can protect our youth and prevent addiction.
Treatment Options and Overcoming Addiction
There are various treatment options available to those who want to overcome addiction. These include group therapy, individual counseling, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT).?
MAT combines buprenorphine, naltrexone, and methadone to reduce cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and relapse risk. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) can help people with SUDs identify and replace maladaptive thought patterns and behaviours.
Finally, support from family and friends is invaluable for those seeking treatment for substance use disorder. Family therapy, support groups, and 12-step programs can also be part of a successful recovery.
Thanks for reading!
Thomas Andrew Duinne Arnold Palmerstone
(Adapted from
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