All about Food
Dr. Parvathi Sivakumar
Assistant Professor /an Inspiring design thinker - Department of English- SNS College of Technology
"You don't have to eat less, but you have to eat right" What a lovely quote!
These days we are not at all giving respect to food, so we are falling ill with every change of season, and constipation and irritability and getting tired quickly.The solutions, however, are so simple that you may be tempted to discard them instantly, but I am going to try nevertheless.
Firstly, sitting on the floor cross-legged( may sit on the couch or dining chair) is one of the best therapies for our joints. This posture directs the flow of blood to the stomach, leading to optimum digestion.
Secondly, getting off from all kinds of gadgets while eating or munching while viewing is not just scientifically linked to obesity, it may result in overeating and not eating well.
Finally, Watch the food and nothing else, eat with your hands, smell the aroma, chew slowly so that you can hear your own eating, and let the tongue leads you to the perception of taste. Keeping all your senses focused on food helps nurture your appetite, as per your body's needs.
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