All features are not the same...
Data courtesy of Replicate International, Inc

All features are not the same...

One of our areas of interest at Replicate International is biometrics. Really anything that might give a non-invasive insight into the health, wellness and performance of an individual and how that can change over time or due to choices.

The above distribution shows the same person, about 5 minutes apart (between the red and black recordings) and the biometric is: inter-beat interval (IBI) often used as part of heart rate training methods (HRTM) or heart rate variability (#HRV) protocols used in both the #medical and #sportsworld. The distribution looks both reasonably 'Gaussian normal' (albeit with a long left tail) and the black and the red strongly overlap.

But....for the metrics created 30 years ago, the distribution doesn't matter much compared to the order of the IBIs. The order gives the information that might enable...some kind of change to be observed and some kind of change to be created.

Coming forward to today, we're working on the next step in uncovering updated metrics that take into account the general failure of the older metrics to create actionable insights. Indeed, the unwarranted assumption of the metrics being equivalent across wildly different commercial technologies has given rise to....probably nothing more useful than guessing.

We aim to be better than guessing.

