Lightweight materials help trains go faster, function more reliably and arrive at their destinations on time. Also, shorter production times and leaner maintenance are necessary to keep up with the increasing demands of the railway sector.
Our engineers at Bossard understand your need for efficiency and productivity and are eager to help you achieve both by connecting you to innovative fastening developments. If your application demands a solution that does not yet exist, we can create one with you, tailored to your unique situation.
You can look forward to the following advantages when engaging with Bossard:
- One-Stop-Shop. We meet all your application needs by providing reliable fasteners that are ideal for mechanical purposes as well as train construction.
- Optimal Delivery Conditions. With more than 70 subsidiaries worldwide, you can count on short delivery and response times. When you need a part right away, you can check our online catalog for all our catalog products. If you’re not finding what you need, our engineers can customize a solution for you.
- Engineered Parts. With almost 200 hundred years of fastening technology behind us, our in-house engineers have the know-how to handle any kind of application involving joints, bolts, nuts, screws, and washers. We can also take advantage of an international network of specialized partner companies.
- Our Own Testing Labs. We make use of our own ISO/IEC 17025-accredited testing labs in 10 countries around the world. Whether tests require mechanical, optical, geometric, or chemical methods, we can provide the facilities and expertise.
- Smart Factory Logistics. Our B- and C-part management strategies and technologies are reliable, smart, and lean, and integrate well with the emerging Internet of Things.
- Professional Consulting. Whether you need a better way of joining product components or are looking for a more efficient assembly strategy, our comprehensive engineering services can find an answer. Once we have a fastening solution in place, we can also train your staff on how to best use it.Find out more about how we can meet your railway sector needs by reaching out to us today at Railway