All About Data Quality
What exactly is "data quality"? Put simply, it means how useful and reliable data is for what it's needed for.
Let's think about it this way. Say you're responsible for ordering inventory for a store. You'll need data like how much of each product you sold last month. If that data is incomplete or inaccurate, it's low quality. You might order too much or too little.
On the other hand, if the sales data is fully complete and correct, it's high quality. You can trust it to order the right inventory.
Dimensions of Data Quality
A dataset is deemed high quality if it fulfills its purpose. For example, customer data suitable for sales may fall short for financial reporting.
Building a robust data quality program requires integrating people, processes, and technology:
Master data management platforms are critical by centralizing trusted "golden records" and distributing quality data across systems.
The Data Quality Pyramid
The data quality pyramid provides a clear visualization of the cascading relationship between data, information, knowledge and organizational performance. It underscores why data quality cannot be an afterthought - it must be a strategic priority woven into the fabric of operations. Companies that invest in a robust data quality framework reap the rewards of greater efficiency, better decision making, and measurable gains in business performance. The foundation shapes the pinnacle. By instilling a culture and mindset that values high-quality data, organizations position themselves for success in today's data-driven landscape.