All customers are equal but some are more equal than others.

All customers are equal but some are more equal than others.

Good customers, who are they? Do they matter?

Good customers are the backbone of any successful business. They contribute disproportionately to profits, often accounting for 150-180% of total profits. With realistic expectations that result in fewer demands on time, energy, and resources, they are more cost-efficient to serve. They are also more likely to engage collaboratively, providing valuable insights and feedback that help businesses refine their products and services.

Identifying these high-value customers requires data-driven insights which can be derived using the RFM framework:

  • Recency: How recently has the customer made a purchase?
  • Frequency: How often does the customer buy from you?
  • Monetary Value: How much do they spend?

Two key metrics further refine your analysis:

  • Average Order Value (AOV): The average amount a customer spends per transaction
  • Lifetime Value (LTV): The total revenue a customer is expected to generate over their relationship with your business. This is calculated using the formula [LTV = AOV × Purchase Frequency × Customer Lifespan]

Beyond financial metrics, your best customers are those who not only contribute financially but also use your product to effectively solve their business challenges or meet personal needs. They align your product's capabilities with their goals, integrating it seamlessly into their workflow to maximise its potential and derive significant value. Furthermore, they act as brand advocates, recommending the business to others. This is often tracked using net promoter scores.

What’s next after identifying the good customers? Create more of them. We can do this by educating the market to think and act like the good customers when engaging with your business and products. One critical aspect of designing a learning programme is defining the learning outcomes. For businesses, we want to define what makes a good customer in actionable terms. We do this using the ABCD framework:

  • Audience: Who exactly is your ideal customer? This identifies the specific segment of customers who demonstrate the most value to your business. The audience component establishes precisely who you're targeting with your profiling efforts.
  • Behaviour: What observable actions do good customers take? This component identifies specific, observable behaviours with which they engage with your products.
  • Condition: Under what circumstances do these behaviours occur? This examines the context in which good customers operate, including the situations and environments within which they use your products.
  • Degree: To what extent or how well must these behaviours be demonstrated? This establishes the measurable standards that define success.

Profiling good customers using the RFM analysis and ABCD framework creates the foundation for transforming your market to think and act more like your best customers. As your market adopts these thought patterns and behaviours through your educational initiatives, you naturally cultivate more good customers who align with your ideal profile.

The ABCD framework thus becomes not just a descriptive tool but a prescriptive one—a blueprint for customer education that systematically expands your pool of high-value relationships. By transforming customer development into a structured educational process, you create a sustainable pathway to business growth built on a foundation of well-defined customer excellence.

Ned Files

Captain @ High Tide Boating | Master V, MED III, LK Certified

2 周

A solid breakdown of what really defines a high-value customer! Using RFM, AOV, and LTV helps businesses make more informed decisions, ensuring efforts are focused on the customers who bring the most value. Data-driven insights like these are essential for improving strategy and long-term success.

Lau Lay Peng

Administrative & Compliance Professional | Secretarial Specialist | Project Coordination & Management | Office & HR Management | Proficient in Microsoft Office

2 周

如何衡量和管理“好客户” 1. 电商行业:精准营销与用户黏性 如何衡量“好客户”? 高客单价 & 复购率: 重点关注愿意持续消费并购买高价值商品的客户。 NPS(净推荐值): 客户是否愿意推荐品牌?社交分享、好评率、口碑传播是关键。 深度互动: 经常浏览特定品类、加入会员计划、参与促销活动。 提交评价,甚至成为品牌大使或KOL。 如何管理“好客户”? ? 差异化运营: 高价值客户:提供VIP专享优惠、定制化服务、优先配送等。 潜力客户:通过精准推荐、限时折扣、购物提醒培养忠诚度。 流失客户:个性化召回邮件,提供专属优惠,减少流失率。 ? 提升用户体验: 简化购物流程:优化结账体验、提供多样化支付方式。 增强互动:直播带货、社群营销(小红书/Instagram)、个性化客服。 ? 数据驱动优化: A/B 测试:不同促销策略、推荐算法的转化率对比。 客户反馈闭环:从评价和投诉中提炼优化方向。 2. 培训行业:提高学员粘性与续费率 如何衡量“好客户”? 课程完成率: 能完成课程并获得高分的学员更可能推荐或续费。 学习活跃度: 参与在线讨论、提交作业、观看课程时长。 续费 & 进阶课程购买率: 是否报名高级课程、是否推荐朋友参加。 如何管理“好客户”? ? 个性化学习路径: 针对不同需求提供定制化学习计划,提高学习体验。 结合AI推荐课程,帮助学员更快掌握知识。 ? 增强互动性: 课程直播 + 互动答疑,增加学员参与感。 线下活动、社群运营,提升归属感,增强续费意愿。 ? 降低流失率: 识别进度落后的学员,发送提醒 + 课程激励(奖学金、积分)。 定期回访老学员,提供进阶学习机会。 3. B2B行业:提升客户终身价值(LTV) 如何衡量“好客户”? 合同续约率 & 客户生命周期价值(CLV): 长期合作 & 采购额稳步增长的客户更具价值。 产品使用深度: 使用关键功能的频率、是否参加培训或客户支持活动。 客户推荐率: 客户是否愿意提供案例研究、推荐新客户? 如何管理“好客户”? ? 专属客户经理 & VIP 服务 高价值客户安排专属团队,提供定制化解决方案,提高粘性。 ? 数据驱动客户成功管理 通过CRM系统分析客户行为,识别流失风险,提前介入。 反馈驱动优化产品体验,提高续约率。 ? 增强品牌影响力 举办行业峰会、客户研讨会,增强企业专家形象,提升品牌认同感。 让客户成为品牌代言人,共同撰写行业报告、案例分享。 总结论:如何持续优化客户管理? ? 精准数据分析: 利用AI和数据挖掘技术,自动化识别优质客户,提高转化率。 ? 深度用户运营: 结合社群营销、个性化推荐、客户成功管理,增强用户粘性。 ? 全链路优化: 从用户体验、交互设计到服务流程,全面提升客户满意度。 你觉得这样的调整是否更符合你的需求?如果有特定行业或场景想要深入探讨,也可以随时交流!

Alison McFadden Chartered MCIPD

Managing Director at Continu | Endless Energy | IoD Director of the Year - Innovation, 2023

2 周

Like the graphic! Very good points made. It should be easy to identify the ‘good customers’ but sometimes the lines are blurry!

Rialdo Suwandi

Founder at Aldora Electric | Expert in Renewable Electrical Engineering & Cable Systems | Problem Solver | FIEAust CPEng NER

2 周

Great insights, Nelson! Thanks for the share. Your metrics - Average Order Value (AOV) and Lifetime Value (LTV) makes a lot of sense.


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