All About Cooling Tower Makeup and Blowdown
Chem-Aqua Europe
Helping customers reduce costs and maximise efficiency with bespoke water treatment solutions.
Cooling towers use makeup water to replace the water lost through evaporation and blowdown, as shown in Figure 1 below.? Typically, city or well water is used.? The quantity and quality of these waters can be easily measured with water meters and analytical equipment. Not all makeup and blowdown sources are as simple as shown in Figure 1.??
Makeup Water
Makeup is really ANY water that enters the system whether it is by design or not because it still replaces water that is lost from the system.
Blowdown is the removal of water from a cooling tower that has become concentrated with ions due to evaporation. It is a critical part of scale, corrosion, and even microbiological control.
All blowdown is not necessarily controlled by design. Leaks, drift, overflow, and filter backwash are all forms of blowdown that cannot easily be measured or controlled. As long as the uncontrolled water losses are less than the blowdown requirements, it does not impact the scaling tendency and programmed blowdown will still control overall water concentration. However, if the uncontrolled blowdown is greater than required, the water may become more corrosive due to lower buffering from lower concentrations of system ions. Chemical and makeup water requirements will increase and, in some cases, biocides will lose efficacy as they are not maintained in the system at a toxic dosage.
When setting up a water treatment program, these types of water losses and gains need to be taken into consideration both from a chemical and control standpoint. Failure to understand this could lead to poor control and results. Automation, data collection, and analyses are a key to recognizing these variables and making the appropriate adjustments.