All Colour Is
Mark Rutledge CDP RGD
Creative Leader + Design Educator + Past JUNOS Awards Judge + D&AD Judge + International Speaker/Presenter + Futurist + Proud Anishinaabe from Little Grand Rapids First Nation
Today I received an email. It was an introduction and an ask to help raise awareness of a new project that is in the works. I was intrigued and did my necessary litmus test and searched about it online because I get requests like this often. The project piqued my interest, so I decided to call him personally to get more information. Turns out I called this outstanding designer, Michael Sinanan, who is producing a documentary entitled "All Colour Is".
"All Colour Is, the journey of Black Creatives across various disciplines, the desire to succeed, peaks and valleys, and being more than a visible minority in one of the largest industries in the world – Design."
I spoke with Michael about his project and we chatted for quite some time. I told him how excited I was about his project, I was simply beaming with delight at the opportunity to speak with another BIPOC designer in this industry. Someone who really understood what I (we) have gone through and are still going through.
Sometimes I feel so alone and isolated. Yes, I know it's the burden of leadership and I get that, but as an Indigenous leader (I have trouble even acknowledging that title) it's a challenge for me to find solace when I look around and there is only a sea of white faces looking back. I wonder if they understand what my lived experience truly is like. Having to always push and push for my voice (our voices) to be heard. To be acknowledged of my mere existence is all I'm asking for. To be included in this profession. Not to be judged by the colour of my skin, but be judged on the work I create clear and free of discrimination.
I expressed my gratitude and acknowledged the courage within him and was humbled by his words of support. I told him that our chat felt like a safe harbour for me and us. That we understood each other through the shared experiences and hardships we both endure.
I left him with words of encouragement. "You are my fire, my beacon of hope in these dark times. You have inspired me to continue that fight, that good fight.
Please take the time and view his website and share his post freely and widely.