All Civil Servant / Research as Career Aspirants: Who Can Provide You Utmost Inspiration? It is a Godwit!! Godwit, who is this? Read this Story!
Dear Friends and Students
One of my mentees is aspiring for UPSC Civil Services and giving his 4th attempt. We cannot see an iota of deviation; distraction and devoid in him. He has been sincerely working hard. The only goal is to crack UPSC. In one of the discussions, I was trying to compare his persistence with an example? After a deep thought, I realized that Godwit is the best match! Who is this Godwit? I feel God wants to witness with an example for perseverance, hence created this creature named “Godwit”.
Recently, Godwit is in the NEWS: “'Jetfighter' godwit breaks world record for non-stop bird flight!” (TheGaurdian). Read this…
Interestingly, this Bar-tailed Godwit flies more than 12,000km from Alaska to New Zealand non-stop 11 days without any middle stop! Are you surprised or shocked? I am!! It is a new non-stop flight world record for a bird.
It flies up to 55 mph or 88 km/h. I generally drive my car less than 60km/h! I can visualize her speed! Interestingly, it weighs between 190 gm and 400 gm. It can double the size before a long flight but can shrink its internal organs to lighten the load. What a beautiful creation by God? Amazing!
When I read this feature of Godwit, it reminds me of Lord Hanuman! Hanuman has the ability to expand until he could be as large as a mountain or to contract until he could be as small as a fly! When Pavan-Suta entered Lanka, a female-demon named SURASA swallowed him. Hanuman continued expanding his body, while she continued stretching her mouth till it was a hundred leagues wide. At this moment, Hanuman shrank his body and became thumb-sized. He came out through her right ear and tricked her! On another occasion, Hanuman, when caught by Meghanad and his men and produced before Ravan in his royal court for judgment, coiled his tail high enough to be seated on a higher level than the royal throne of Ravan, just to show his prowess and powers of Lord Rama, in comparison.
Coming back to Godwit, the satellite recorded a point-to-point flight of 12,854km with 224 hours’ journey time without break. It is setting a new world record. It started in Alaska on 16th Sep 2020, covering Aleutian Islands, Hawaii, Fiji, all through on the Pacific Ocean, and finally arrived in Auckland (New Zealand) after 11 days late. The previous longest recorded non-stop flight by a bird is 11,680km. It was recorded in 2007. Even birds are competing now a daysJ
Dear Aspirants, these birds give us great inspiration! When they are on the Pacific Ocean for 11 days, you can imagine their psychological conditions! There is No GPS, No Timer, No Clock, No Sleep, continuously flapping their wings, No Highway resting for a break, and cannot get down to eat something! Can you imagine the kind of determination they have? I feel we don’t have an iota of it compared to these birds. Do you agree? When someone aspires for Civil Services or Research as Career, I see them like this. We need to really encourage as they have decided to fly in this form. Only a few can act like this.
Preserve and Serve those few!
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Ravi Saripalle
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