All Carers need legal protection from greedy siblings when the will is contested in court
From: Deanna MM [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Friday, May 15, 2020 5:27 PM
To: '[email protected]'
Subject: Carers need legal protection from greedy siblings, after their loved one has passed and the will is contested in court
Dear the Honourable Chief Justice James Leslie Bain
All Honourable Judges of the Supreme Court of Australia
I am writing to you to help protect all carers in Australia in the law courts when there are disputes over wills.
The world changes at times at glacial speed and we cannot wait for the Royal Commission on Aged Care.
Too many carers lives are being destroyed as they are not protected from their greedy siblings when their loved one has passed and then there is a huge battle over the will.
The greedy siblings claim, being a full time carer for a loved one at home with dementia, we are having a holiday.
Unless you have lived it, absolutely no one understands how hard it is and how dementia completely sucks the life out of you.
I have written this article to help all carers as well as for others to understand what it means to be a carer.
Did you know carers are saving Australia $77 billion each year for all our unpaid care, selfless care, endless sacrifices and daily challenges.
Did you know only 30% of loved ones who have dementia are in Aged Care facilities and the other 70 % are cared for at home by their loved ones.
There is zero tax concessions for any care expenses including respite care.
All caring usually falls on one member of the family, rarely other family members help nor support the full time carer. All the other family members do is criticise the one who does all the work caring.
Carers give up their careers, spend their super to pay for living and caring expenses, and drown in debt.
It is very difficult to access any help from the government. There is a 2 year waiting list for a level 4 Homecare package.
Carers do all the work, we sacrifice our health, life, career and financial security. There is zero recognition nor understanding of our endless sacrifices. I’m determined to change this.
Carers are entitled to a carers allowance of $63.50 per week = $1 an hour for looking after a loved one 7 days a week.
Dementia Care is extremely expensive. If you have lots of money you can afford to pay for care. If you have nothing the government will provide the care.
For everyone else we have 2 choices sell everything to pay for a loved ones care or sacrifice everything and look after them at home.
So when their loved one has passed then the other family members battle the will after the carer has sacrificed everything to take care of a loved one.
Which is the last thing any carer deserves after sacrificing years of their lives taking care of a loved one
We Need Legal Protection for all carers from their families across Australia
We need to protect carers financially when they have sacrificed everything to look after a family member.
Grief protection, they should not be forced to sell the family home for two years.
Courts need to acknowledge the role and sacrifices of carers in families.
Once their loved one has passed their many sacrifices must be recognised and protected by the courts from greedy siblings.
Should not be equal when one family member gives up work and sacrifices their life to care for an elderly parent. Other family member (s) then take this to court and the legal fees comes out of all the estate.
Carers do not need this additional stress after all the sacrifices they have made and utter exhaustion from caring.
There must be legislation, legal protection and recognition. If other family members do this, then all the legal expenses should come out of their share of the estate not the carers share.
From the estate the carers super should be returned from the siblings share. This should be law. Plus the super they would have earnt whilst being a carer.
Plus income lost for caring for parent.
Plus all out of pocket expenses for looking after parent
Far more needs to be done to look after carers as they are the hidden victims who are suffering terribly trying to hold it all together for no pay and no understanding.
Most carers are drowning in debt not because they are extravagant
What Could Cost $885,000? Stopping Work to Care for Elderly Parents
My three favourite movies, they are true inspirational stories, where ordinary individuals, were passionate about their dreams and made the impossible, possible, through sheer , unrelenting tenacity, extraordinary courage and fearlessness.
They all achieved their dreams, with others who dared to believe in them and their dreams and helped them reach for the stars.
It’s always a team effort who achieve and live the impossible.
Erin Brockovich, made in 2000 with Julia Roberts (who won the Oscar for her extraordinary performance) who took on a billion dollar company and won their law suit
Eddie the Eagle made in 2016 with Hugh Jackman and Taron Egerton who learnt to ski jump at 22 years of age in 1987 and participated at the Calgary Olympics in 1988 for Britain.
Hidden Figures made in 2016 with Kevin Costner Mary had to go before a judge to gain permission to attend an all-white night male school so she could become an engineer at NASA. Very inspiring scene.
Below is that scene on YouTube 2 minutes 55 seconds
I spoke at the Royal Commission for Aged Care round table on the 27th September 2018 in front of the Honourable Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt and ensured homecare packages, carers, legal and tax are included in the terms of reference.
I spoke a second time on the 6th March 2019 in Bankstown in front of Commissioner Briggs who was very kind and allowed to speak for 6 and half minutes when I was only supposed to speak for 4 minutes.
I spoke last year in Rome at my first global dementia conference where I told my story and discussed my carer strategies for every government around the globe to implement.
After my speech in Rome I was invited to speak at global dementia conferences in London, Montreal, Bangkok, Barcelona, Osaka, Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam and Dubai. Then Covid 19 hit! My dream is to speak at the United Nations as a carers advocate. I have attached my handouts. I will speak twice as I did not have time to talk about what it means to be a full time carer for a loved one with dementia. Unless you have lived it, absolutely no one understands how it sucks the life out of you. I'm determined to change this and make the world aware of all carers silent suffering, endless sacrifices so they are respected and supported.
I’m asking you to help me change the world for all carers, set the precedents for the rest of the world to follow.
The silent sufferers of the global dementia pandemic need your help with their endless sacrifices.
So they are respected and their health and financial security is protected as you dared to believe and helped make the impossible possible.
Thank you for reading my request and I look forward to your reply
Kind Regards
Deanna Mastellone
Family Court
No fault divorce is so unjust as the whole story must be taken into account. There is no justice.
The family court legislation needs to be updated and be in line with the rest of the world, where what you bring into the relationship is yours and only what you achieve together is shared.
No wonder so many remain single due to the family law court legislation as it is so unjust and wrong.
Someone can be with you for two years and then is entitled to half of everything, or if you pass away, they get everything and the adult children are entitled to nothing.
This is so very wrong. Sure they can be given something, but not everything.
I have friends who are going thru these exact issues in court and there is zero justice.
How many of your friends have been satisfied with their court proceedings in the family court ????
I bet Not one !!!!
Everyone loses and it is so unjust, there is zero justice. The only ones that win are the lawyers who get paid regardless of the outcome and their many mistakes
They make money out of others misery
In Europe, esp France and Greece laws of inheritance are strong to protect vulnerable people from Black Widows or Widowers. Children having strong inheritance rights equally.
AASGAA sees this often
So their grandchildren can inherit something from their grandparents rather than it all going to another family
Aged Care, we do not Need anymore taxes, no Death Duties
We have two choices sell everything to pay for Aged Care or sacrifice everything as I have and look after them at home. Keating am sorry does not know what he is talking about, we do not need more taxes. The only way most younger generations will own their own home is by inheriting it. Take that away and no one in future generations will own their own home.
What they need to do is stop private aged care providers making money out of others misery in aged care. They are not transparent nor accountable and they must be. 1 in 3 will be diagnosed with dementia a frightening statistic forcing everyone to sell their homes is not the answer. Which is what happens the world over. 70% are looked after at home and only 30% are in aged care facilities.
That is why I have come up with carer strategies for every govt to implement. Destroy carers 1 in 10 and force us all onto welfare, then taxes will dramatically increase to support us for the next 30 years in our old age . When we are saving in Australia alone $77 billion pa for all our selfless care with zero tax concessions. My dream is to speak at the United Nations as a carers advocate.
After my speech in Rome at my first global dementia conference I was invited to speak all over the world then Covid 19 hit
Did you know NSW Treasury Department is currently preparing new legislation where they intend to abolish stamp duty and replace this tax with annual land tax on every single property, including your home.
When Bob Carr tried to introduce this unjust tax, there was absolute uproar by the community and he lost in the elections with this unjust tax.
NSW land tax, the most unjust tax in the world.
This will be a catastrophe for every home owner to be forced to pay annual land tax.
There is zero assessment on your ability to pay for it.
The govt sets the land value, but does not follow property price drops nor mortgage rate increases.
There is no consideration for hardship.
They can default your mortgage if you are late paying your land tax and you can lose everything.
If you are retired and on a pension, this tax will eat into your asset so you cannot hand it onto your family.
Student at Mayfield Education
4 年You are a soldier. Take Care
Student at Mayfield Education
4 年The jobs Have had I tended tendedctotaje on tasks for troubleshooting so to speak. Love doing it. Human Rights Charter is on my wall in the study......
Student at Mayfield Education
4 年I wish we were living close by......
Student at Mayfield Education
4 年I am a Social Justice Warrior on certain issues. Not sure if I mentioned that a number of us started a class action battle with the commonwealth and won. It took us 5yrs. Scot Morrison was the culprit. False Debt Notices to vulnerable Australians. Have you spoken to both State and Federal Mps in your state????
Student at Mayfield Education
4 年I will stand with you forever. I do mean this in all sincerity. Please call on any future activities you do concerning this matter. Regards and Thankyou.