Not all Calls are Created Equal. Finally, A Direct Pipeline to the Media Owner
Have you been approached by so-called lead brokers or lead sellers who promise call volume with superlative conversion performance??Perhaps you’ve even worked with lead brokers only to discover your brand-response offer with provided toll-free tracking number was “sprayed and prayed” all over the internet with no consideration of the actual platform or source of those calls?
Perhaps you are seeking direct access to high-intent calls from a company with a proven track record in delivering the kind of leads that convert to a new customer? A company that actually owns, publishes, and powers a lead-generating source.
Introducing an owned and operated Consumer Search Network, brought to you by Thryv, your trusted publisher of printed yellow pages -- “The Original Search Engine” and owner of ??Thryv’ s proven track record provides 100+ years of experience in delivering “high intent” calls from consumers who are at the point of calling and making a buying decision.?
Through Thryv’ s Consumer Search Network you extend your brand-response offer with superlative conversion performance you expect. ?Insulate your performance-based program from rising costs of lead flow occurring today offered by many call brokers who provide “spay and pray” digital presence with disappointing results.?In essence, Consumer Search Network is an extension of your present performance-based media mix, attracting the kind of consumer response you expect from “The Original Search Engine”.??
Consumer Search Network combines the basic strengths of search available in our owned and operated Internet Web Sites (IYP) with our patented merchant platform coupled with 50-million circulated Print Yellow Page directories. National and Regional Search is on our DNA. It’s a direct pipeline from a true and proven source in lead flow on a regional or national basis.?The result is powerful if you seek “high intent” calls with superlative conversion. ?
Pay-Per-Call Testing is available to new advertisers who have not yet experienced the superlative conversion performance.?For availability and call projections, please call me, Scott Kennedy, at 972-890-7358