All best wishes for 2022!

All best wishes for 2022!

Dear colleagues, friends, and partners,

Many thanks for your loyalty in a challenging past year for all of us. However the digital payment industry like us at Netcetera did well and we could even significantly grow our business. Many thanks for the good cooperation to all of you.

Specially I would like to mention the good collaboration with our new shareholder #Giesecke+Devrient, where we together are looking to make digital payments more user friendly and more secure.

My special thanks go to all medical and pharmaceutical persons supporting us despite the high pains and unfortunately the critics by a few wrongly minded people. A big thank you and we will further need you!

Yesterday, on the 31st of December it had amazing 18 degrees Celsius in Austria, the highest temperature measured on a New Year's Day ever. I wish for our future we act quickly enough to save our planet. All of us need to contribute and despite our wish to meet in person in 2022 we need to consider travelling, look to what we eat and how it is produced (which also helps to diminish the ugly factory farming for meat) and buy more from local suppliers. Think global but act local.

I am optimistic that 2022 can be a good year after we managed the Omicron wave. Luckily the Greek alphabet has only 9 characters left ??.

Finally, I wish you and your families all the best, stay healthy and let us connect in 2022.



#payments #digitalpayments #Netcetera #Giesecke+Devrient

Barnabás Ferenczi Jukka Yliuntinen Dr. Carsten Wengel?Gabrielle Bugat Andrej Vckovski Peter Frick Tobias Ott Christian Waldvogel Stefan Tramm Hristina Krasteva-Belcheva Martin Zeisel Roger Burkhardt Nakjo Shishkov


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