All about Automation..!

All about Automation..!

Automation is nothing, it will simplify the system. Suppose we are going to talk about industrial automation, then we have to understand what is industry? Industry is the place where goods and things are produced. Each and every products, goods and things has value. These values (cost of the product) are fixed in two ways

1. Raw material involved

2. Energy, Manpower and machines involved

Here we are going to talk about the 2nd point. Using the raw material the machines (consume energy) and the man power doing the process, finally we got the product. Say example a car manufacturing company doing manufacturing of car by using different type of machineries and manpower. We are consuming different kind of product like food to footwear, which never going to end.

Then where automation used? How it is going to rule the industry now and then?

Any product sure there is raw material involved; we can’t change anything in that area. But in the 2nd point Energy, Manpower and machines involved - this is the main deciding factor of any product. Suppose if you ask raw material cost also will increase, yes you are right the reason behind is Energy, Manpower and machines. That means the raw material also a product of some other industry.

Now we can get into the topic closely. The 2nd point shows very clearly one thing is all about energy conception. You can ask HOW?

Let me explain,

Energy - May be the Electrical or Oil or Gas etc..,

Manpower – Engineers, technician and labor

Machines involved - Produced in different company, it will wear out day by day.

Now you can understand one thing, needs remain same but the cost will decide the consumption.

How to reduce the cost? The answer is going decide the future world.

Automation did it, doing it - will do it....

Madhavan Mathivanan


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