All action results from thought, so it is thoughts that matter.
Alexandra Deeva
Co-founder | Senior Marketing Consultant at Real Marketing Solutions
People usually wonder: What is marketing? What it is made of? Why do companies need it? And why do they need to pay for it?:) The answer is simple. The business is created for one purpose - to earn money: if it is not about money, than it is not about business. So the result of each business activity should be income, increased sales and company growth.
Someone can say then business is all about sales, and I would not argue, yes it is. But it is also about how you think about your company and how you perceive your own business on the market. You, being a manager, CEO or business developer, clearly know that your particular company is the best: amazing team, innovative solutions, trained after-sales support, quality and reliability. But how to make potential clients think the same? That is where Marketing comes from.
Marketing - it is non-stop process of building positive association about your company. We learn and implement how to make people think and know about our company the same way as we do! We think that only our company provides the most reasonable, qualitative and modern solutions/offers/products. So let's share your thoughts!
And then, your clients will share their thoughts about you: they will give opinion, put likes on your Facebook page, leave the feedback on your website, or even write a Letter of Recommendation.
To make this to be RESULT in sales is called Marketing. We all know: the way we think determines the way we live! So let's think positive about our business, our products and services, let's stimulate others to think about us and let them share their THOUGHTS!
Remember always: All action results from thought. That is what marketing starts from.