All of the 10 Commandments as well as the Principal Commandment have been almost universally broken and made of NO effect

The correct interpretation and application of each of the so-called "Ten Commandments" is discussed in the pages relating to the Commandments

The MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENT is "love Yah the Eternally Self-Existing {God, The LORD}, your Mighty One {God}, with ALL your heart, with ALL your soul, with ALL your mind and with ALL your strength

NOTHING is more important than this

Sadly, almost no one on earth really understands this Commandment let alone actively seeks to comply with it, there is much on this site to help you IF you choose to go this route -- see particularly the page on Relationship with Yah, and THE Goal see also the prayers on the Prayers page

Beyond this, false teachings have resulting in a situation where all Ten of the socalled "Ten Commandments", the Ten Laws confirmed and reitterated by the Creator on the mountain in the Sinai Desert in Saudi Arabia to Moshe {Moses} and the children of Yisrael {Israel} are made of no effect

1. Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is ONE Mighty One you shall have NO other mighty ones beside Him -- broken through the worship of the Bible, Jesus, Mohammed, etc

2. No idols -- broken again with the Bible, the Cross, the car, the house, the wife, the husband, etc -- anything or anyone that comes between you and service to the Creator

3. Do NOT take the Name of Yah the Eternally Self-Existing in vain -- broken because almost no one knows His Name, many say "Ja" or "Jah" for yes, have "Yahoo" email addresses, use false names, etc

4. Keep Sabbaths -- relates to the seventh day of the week which is Saturday and the high Sabbaths of the Almighty being PassoverPentecost, the Day of Trumpets, the Day of Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles, the Christian world largely observes the Sabbath as Sunday, the day of the Sun, an abomination in the sight of the Almighty, and totally ignores the high Sabbaths preferring instead to observe the Sabbaths of Satan, ChristmasHalloweenEaster, etc -- see "Satanic Feasts" for more information

5. Honor parents -- few people today show their parents the honor and respect due them, in particular most parents are abandoned and left to live alone in their old age with occasional visits by their children when they should be nurtured in the body of their families

6. NO murder -- the Christian world largely accepts abortion which is outright murder as well as contraceptive methods that cause the fertilized egg NOT to implant, also a form of abortion and murder, in addition the death penalty for murder has largely been abolished despite it being a clear instruction of the Almighty that murderers should be put to death

7. NO adultery -- lies about Church marriage, loss of understanding of the Virgin's Covenant, etc means that almost all people today are breaking this Commandment

8. NO stealing -- much of the conduct of the world involves some level of deceit and misrepresentation in commerce -- this is stealing -- in particular the church lies wholesale about the Almighty, the Bible, the future of people AND takes tithes and offerings that yoke the people who give into the error and dishonesty of those they give to -- frequently churches ellicit donations with messages about tithes and giving to "the House of God" that are totally off the mark and that their gross sin and error disqualifies them from -- this too is stealing

9. NO false witness or lying -- the church lies constantly about the Almighty and His ways, they dress the ways of Satan and his masterminds up to look attractive and sell them as the ways of the Almighty in unknowing ignorance because they fail to SEEK TRUTH

10. NO lusting or coveting -- most advertising works on the basis of stimulating covetousness, pornography and much advertising stimulates lust, etc

IF you choose to draw close to the Almighty you will need to deal with your sin in ALL the above areas


<<< PREVIOUS SECTION: Commandments

NEXT SECTION: Anointed Life >>>

NEXT SUB-SECTION: Anointed Life Part 1 >>>


2013.09.04 Who IS Yahooshua?

Recently someone questioned writings of mine that seemed to him to suggest that Jesus was Satanic

The following is an amplification of my response:

“About 2010 years ago a male child was born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles and named Yahooshua, meaning “Yah is salvation” – Yah being the true Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth commonly referred to as “God” and “The LORD”

This man (Yahooshua) is commonly referred to as “Jesus”

Amongst those seeking the Creator's true name, the Creator is commonly referred to as “Yahweh” although even this is incorrect and should more correctly be transliterated as “Yahooeh”, which is correctly translated as “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing”

The man Yahooshua grew up to be a mighty prophet and, through his way of life, evidenced what it was like to be powerfully filled with the Spirit of the Almighty – also known as “anointed” which is commonly translated “Christ”.

Yahooshua set an example as to how to serve Yah and therefore is referred to by some writings as “the way” – that is “the manner”,” the example” of how to serve Yah

This man can be correctly referred to as “Yahooshua the anointed of Yah” – commonly but incorrectly referred to as “Jesus Christ”

Jesus is a translation of the Greek “Ieosus” which is derived from Zeus, which is a pagan name and an abomination in the sight of the Almighty

“Christ” is NOT the name of this man it is a technical description relating to “the anointing of the Spirit of Yah upon a human being”

Reference to “Christ” on its own is sometimes to “the anointed one” which is sometimes to Yahooshua but can just as accurately be applied to any other anointed believer.  In all cases anointing refers to the Spirit of Yah ON a person NOT the person.  The phrase “anointed one” also translated “Christ” refers to the human being who has the Spirit of Yah on him or her.  This is used at times in certain writings to refer to Yahooshua as “the anointed one” but this does NOT make Yahooshua, Yah

It was the Spirit of Yah ON and IN Yahooshua, that gave him the wisdom and knowledge whereby he spoke anointed words, it was the Spirit of Yah working through the body of Yahooshua that healed the sick and raised the dead, it was the Spirit of Yah speaking through Yahooshua that spoke at times in the first person

Yahooshua on his own was a man like all other men – the consequence of a nine month development in the womb of a woman.  The miraculous creation of the foetus in his mother and his relationship with Yah before he came to earth as a human make him distinct BUT they do NOT make him Yah or God or The LORD – wrong beliefs that result from wrong translation resulting from wrong belief

It is false and an abomination in the sight of Yah to refer to the prophet Yahooshua as “Christ” in the sense of “Christ” being the name of Yahooshua or being synonymous with Yahooshua – substituting “the anointed one” for “Christ” immediately makes this clear

To worship “Christ” is stealing the worship that is due to Yah alone

For example, the verse frequently translated as “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” with “Christ” being taken to be synonymous with “Jesus” is accurately translated as “I can do all things through the anointing of the Spirit of Yah which strengthens me

For a long time Yah, the Almighty Creator, granted grace with regard to these abominable names – “God”, “The LORD”, “Jesus” and “Christ” but in in January 2001 He began to withdraw this grace and it was finally withdrawn totally in May 2003, when Satan was cast into the Pit for a thousand years and we commenced the final thousand years of the seven thousands years of appointed time on earth for man

The man Yahooshua, the anointed of Yah, was and is a man, NOT Yah and it is grievous sin to worship him – grace for this sin has ALSO been withdrawn

Yahooshua lived a life without sin and died without sin and, as a consequence death had no legal hold on him and he was immediately resurrected to become the first born from the dead and therefore king of all human kings and lord of all human lords

He is seated at the right hand of the Father WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool and has delegated ALL authority on earth back to those who follow him

It breaks the first commandment – “Yah the Eternally Self-Existing is ONE Mighty One you shall have no other mighty ones beside Him” – to deify or worship Yahooshua and, accordingly because ALL grace has been withdrawn for this sin those who today worship Jesus – the vast majority of Christians – have been given over by Yah to worship demons.  “Jesus” is now one of the most powerful Satanic forces on earth, just as God, Baal (the Lord) and Christ are powerful Satanic forces on earth because of all the worship that they receive”

A few people with deep relationships with Yah still refer to Jesus but are worshiping Yah but this is rapidly coming to an end

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.


2011.04.12 - The Mark of the Beast

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In 2000 I asked Father about the Mark of the Beast.

I had read various articles relating to the microchip and, since I am in the computer field, it did not make sense.

In my experience of implementing computer based solutions the chances of getting all people to cooperate so that a microchip became a universal medium of exchange throughout the world including the most remote and underprivileged areas was unfeasible from both a technical and human perspective.

Some of the claims made for the chip also verged on the magical.

I have been involved in the use of computers in business since 1981 and been exposed to computers since 1973. I have had my own business consulting on the effective application of computer systems in business since 1989.

One of the key aspects of my learning in this period is that it is hugely challenging to get people in even quite a small organization to do things uniformly and consistently, comply with policies and use computer based technology effectively.

I have been writing and speaking about the factors that give rise to information technology investment failure since 1991 and have audited and evaluated dozens of under-performing and failed IT (Information Technology) projects. I have also successfully managed and run a diversity of IT projects.

I have written a book on the subject, spoken at over ninety (90) conferences locally and overseas, written technical papers, etc.

So I know first-hand just how hard it is to get people to cooperate and work effectively with technology.

Human beings are ingenious, creative, entrepreneurial and do not submit easily to draconian legislation.

If someone tries to prevent people buying or selling based on some piece of technology the potential of human beings to sabotage the project is huge.

Information technology mythology

In my work I have found that 30% of what causes IT projects to fail is what I term IT mythology, the tendency of human beings to believe that they can get computers to do anything they can think of and to think that they can implement any piece of technology any way they like and it will do what they can imagine. The whole concept of the microchip being used to control the world stinks of this.

Other factors that cause IT investment failure are lack of executive custody and poor governance which causes another 20% of failures and lack of strategic alignment which contributes another 15% of failures.

Lack of executive custody and poor governance

The world has failed singularly to date to achieve anything that begins to approximate one world government or even alignment between governments. Just when it looks like one group is going to dominate then something happens and another group starts to rise up.

People speculate that the "Illuminati" will take over, that is that the small number of people in the world who truly are totally demon possessed will in some strange way manage to coordinate things so effectively that they will do something that has never before been accomplished in the earth and in the meantime presumably, the Anointed One's, Yah's men and women filled with His Spirit will presumably sit back and do nothing?

I do not think so.

Satan would love us to believe this and to cave in and submit but it is not likely to happen – Father has His own plans to have his anointed one's rule on earth with His Spirit for the next thousand years and has quietly had His prophets going around anointing people as Kings in terms of Revelation 20:6, those anointed people are in direct opposition to the Illuminati, are advising kings and governments, fighting intense spiritual warfare and in numerous ways seeking to restore the Kingdom of Yah on earth.

BUT, the battle is NOT in the physical realm, it is in the SPIRITUAL realm, it is being fought by the Satanic and demonic forces that serve Satan and his human servants and by the anointed men and women of Yah and the messengers {angels} of Yah and by Yah's Spirit in His servants.

Remember that ALL authority on earth was given to Adam and the sons of Adam so both Satan and Yah are constrained to wage war through the spirits that operate in human beings.

At the moment the forces of darkness are winning hands down, the earth is in a shambles spiritually, Yah's servants are struggling to survive, many have been badly beaten up and, as we saw a few days ago, only about 5,000 are really having an impact in the spiritual realm and there are other problems facing those people.

The Satanic forces are concentrating most of their energy on destroying those few really effective ones and they have various devices that are effectively neutralizing or at least sabotaging most of the true anointed believers. These will be discussed shortly.

Lack of strategic alignment – lack of alignment on the essence of why the sons of Adam exist and how they thrive

One of the key elements of my business relates to the strategic application of information technology and that, in turn, focuses on the essence of the business and how it thrives.

Microchips are not aligned with the essence of Adam's {man's} existence on earth and do not help humankind to thrive. Many human beings realize this so using this to control the world is unlikely to happen.

This is NOT to say that the Illuminati do not think they can do it, the issue is that they are very unlikely to succeed.

As you will see shortly there is, however, a much more critical and much more effective mark that is ALREADY being carried by nearly the entire planet, INCLUDING most anointed ones. I will discuss this shortly.

Other – lack of an engineering approach (12%), information management (10%), people / change issues (8%), technology issues (5%)

The remaining factors relating to IT failure are second order relative to the first three.

Lack of an engineering approach relates to the method of implementation, no systematic approach with the microchips is currently evident that I can see.

Information management -- all I have seen about the microchip is scare stuff from believers and similar with much emphasis on mystical control.

People / change issues – huge, how do you get people to agree to a chip in their hand or forehead, there is so much superstition around it is going to require massive force to make it happen, I have never seen the organizational capability to do this to one nation let alone all nations. Most technology adoption is driven by obvious benefits, this is hard for the microchip. What benefit does the chip give that the card does not?

Technology issues – the technology is sophisticated – it will take decades or longer to get this technology working in less sophisticated economies if it ever works.

Technology conclusion?

The microchip is NOT the mark of the beast.

More likely explanations, someone started off a hoax that has caught on or a disinformation agency seeking to discredit believers has thrown this out for consumption or some believer somewhere decided this was the mark and wrote some hysterical stuff that has grown its own legs or a combination of factors.

Or Satan and his hordes started the story to take people away from considering the real mark (

Interim spiritual conclusion?

Ultimately we wrestle NOT against flesh and blood but against the powers, principalities, thrones and dominions of this dark age – the demonic and satanic messenger {angelic} forces in the spirit realm that are opposing the work of Yah on the earth.

The microchip is NOT the mark of the beast!

So – what IS the mark?

Daddy Yah told me late in 2000 that the mark of the beast was:

1.     In the forehead – thoughts and beliefs that break one or more of the Ten Commandments

2.     In the right hand – things we write and contract that break one or more of the Ten Commandments

3.     Being carried by almost the entire world including virtually all Christians, true believers and anointed ones

A brief overview:


1. Yah the eternally self-existing is ONE Mighty One you shall have no other mighty ones before Him

If you worship Jesus or Yahooshua you have the mark.

If you listen to your pastor or priest and accord them status above the commandments of Yah, you have the mark.



2. No idols

If you call the bible the word of God and hold it to be inerrant or you worship the cross you have the mark.



3. Do not take the Name of Yah the eternally self-existing in vain

If you use "the LORD", "God", "Jesus", have a email address or use "Ja" or any similar sounding word for yes you at some level have the mark. 



4. Remember the Sabbath (seventh) day and keep it set apart

If you work or engage in commerce on Saturday, Passover, Pentecost, Day of Trumpets, Day of Atonement, first day and Great Day of Tabernacles you have the mark.



5. Honour thy father and thy mother

If you speak ill of your father or mother or if they are farmed off in an old age home or retirement village you have at some level got the mark.



6. Do not kill

If you supported the abolition of the death penalty or use or have used contraceptives that prevent the implantation of a fertilized ovum you have the mark.



7. Do not commit adultery

If you are a man who took the virginity of a woman and she is not living with you, or you are "married" to a woman who was not a virgin when you first had her, or if you are a woman "married" to a man who is not the man who took your virginity, you have the mark unless Yah has given you specific opportunity to clean up.

If as a man you are having sex with another man's woman or as a woman you are having sex with a man other than your man {husband}, you have the mark, if you use prostitutes you have the mark.

If you use pornography and particularly if you masturbate looking at pornography or thinking of other women or men, you have the mark.



8. Do not steal

If you have a church and you preach error and take up offerings you have the mark.

If you use unjust measures, if you overcharge, if you lie about quality or functionality of products you sell, you have the mark.



9. Do not bear false witness (lie)

If you lie in any shape or form, including white lies, you have the mark.

Whether you know they are lies or not, you have the mark.

If you preach or teach contrary to any of the points in this document, you have the mark.



10. Do not covet or lust

If you lust after men or women, use pornography, lust after cars, houses, clothes, etc, you have the mark.

If you use name it, claim it frame it theology to claim assets and possessions that are not commensurate with the physical and / or spiritual effort that you have justly expended for your gain, you have the mark.


The mark of the Beast – the lies of the devil, Satan and what he and his cohorts have taught the sons of Adam are rampant in the earth, almost all people are at some level breaking one or more of the above commandments and carrying the mark at some level.

Those that do NOT have the mark are struggling to survive because the forces of darkness have a licence to stop them buying and selling because those selling to them and those buying from them carry demons that are causing these transactions to fail.

I know of a number of deeply committed believers who are seeking earnestly to walk in ALL truth and who are in poverty because of this.

In order to overcome this it is vital that men in particular have their woman or women in perfect harmony and alignment with them. Single men and women will increasingly find that it takes great faith to survive in this age.


May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you His peace as you embark on this journey

May Yah judge me severely and correct me harshly and show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it with regard to everything that I write and publish

Warm regards and blessings,

James Robertson

Emissary and Spokesman of Yah

28 October 2016


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