Alix's Weekly Programmatic Industry News Updates
Alix Geddes
Helping museums & cultural institutions make sense of their websites | User Experience professional | SEO Analyst
Hi everyone, and happy Friday!
Programmatic Land is still busy as a bee, but fear not you can still catch up with what's been going on if you keep reading!
Get your coffee/tea/rhum and coke ready and start reading!
In the news this week: ad fraud, brand safety and video, Apple's turnover, ad fraud again, Facebook Watch videos, Target & NBCU, and top 10 Q3 video ads. Just for you!
More than 50% of paid programmatic impressions probably aren't viewed by anyone! Read here
- And if it's the best case scenario, we're still at 33%.
- Basically, more impressions aren't viewed than are actually viewed
- Thank you ad fraud, we don't know what we could do without you!
- These are the results of an Advertising Week session from 27th Sept.
Brand Safety & Video - the questions you (apparently) need to ask - Read here
- What do we need to be concerned about?
- Brand performance
- Brand safety
- Fraud
2. How transparent can we be with video ads?
- Currently you can't really be transparent about video content...
- ... Buuuuuuuuut: distributors of video content can start to give access to exciting video insights now, which can then be used for targeting
3. Outside of YouTube, how can we target video advertising on the open web?
- DSPs and video-centric DSPs are getting access to more and more inventory across digital video, OTT, Programmatic TV and outstream
4. How can we guarantee brand safety in video?
- Trust 3rd parties that are industry recognised
New limits om browser cookies in Safari are threatening the digital ad industry - Read here
- Apple started taking extreme measures to reduce ad tracking on Safari - like for instance implementing a strict 24-hour time limit on tracking tools' lifespan
- Basically Apple is protecting people's data and privacy... at the detriment of advertisers! Adroll and Criteo are also maaaaaad...
- Advertisers are therefore arguing that users should have a choice whether or not they're tracked across websites through browser cookie preference
Stats of the Week
- Ad fraud will cost $19bn to advertisers in 2018 - which is about $51 million per day. More info here.
- Facebook's Watch videos are being viewed an average of 23 seconds - read here.
Highlights & Whispers
- Target is the first to partner with NBC Universal (who has a deal with 4C insights) for self-serve programmatic TV ads - more over here.
- If you want to see the top 10 video ads that had the highest scores of attention and likeability in Q3, you need to click here. Top 2 are SeaWorld Parks and Walmart. Have fun!
Have a great weekend everyone and see you next week for another update!