Alive and Balanced, Together as One
Dear Friend,
HAPPY NEW BALANCED FASHION NEWSLETTER and the new year 2021 that we’ve all been waiting for so long.
It’s been almost a year since I pressed send on the last email for this epic audience of innovators and thought leaders in the creative tech field. It feels weird to admit that it’s been so long, considering that for the past 5+ years this newsletter has been the most consistent way of showing up for the conscious fashion tech world which I’m so deeply passionate about. My goal has always been to provide a stream of curated news & events that help us bring to life the new industry that all of us are imagining.
There are several reasons that made me take such a long break. Most importantly, this year I truly experienced slowing down and finding balance between work and personal life, or rather, see work an integral part of my life by shaping & redefining what work means to me. Another big reason is that I’ve been intuitively focusing on building the foundation of?Balanced Humanity, the quantum communications agency where we engage with individuals and organizations from the perspective of 2030s and beyond. More about this in the next editions of this newsletter.
Due to the system-shaking Global events starting to color our lives in March-April 2020 a traditional concept of fashion industry stopped making sense to me at all, the whole idea of fashion industry felt expired and I had to take a healthy break from all things fashion (besides consciously experimenting with content on the Balanced Fashion Insta, Twitter & Newlife accounts) and instead I committed to stay focused on my own mental & physical health and consciously processing the deeply transformative times in our history, continued to deepening my spiritual growth by practicing variety of energy healing modalities, built stable connections with my global tribe, and publicly appeared live on social media (almost) daily as a way to show up for the community and share vulnerably & transparently what’s present for me now.
I attempted to write this newsletter several times over the course of 2020, but it ended up staying in a form of a half-completed draft and a collection of confusing, erratic industry news that I was only able to post on Twitter and Instagram and leave your inbox clean from Balanced Fashion industry rebalancing attempts during the times where the ground shook hard for all of us. I felt like we didn’t need another unbalanced, half-ass done email that was sent out without real passion & deep Truth behind it.
Today I feel very good & balanced, we have built a fantastic Balanced Fashion team, I live in a location where I feel safe, I have an investment to grow BF & its umbrella entity, Balanced Humanity in a stable, mature pace. I call it Balanced Fashion 2.0. — the revival of the fashion bible that is not Vogue. I’ve started this organization since before leaving my full-time job / a traditional career in fashion tech in 2017 and the past 3 years BF turned into an intelligence agency that is tracking & curating technologies, communities, innovations & thought leadership which, when combined, weave a completely new layer of the fashion industry. Our vision for the industry is fully circular, regenerative, MUCH slower, ethical, commercially makes sense while being wildly creative.
In weeks and months ahead we will be publishing reports and compiled lists of some of the most epic organizations that engage in amazing things for the bright future of our industry. We will feature leaders of this new layer of fashion who dedicate their lives to creating new systems that shape the new industry while the old one collapses. And as you may see, the collapse is already happening now — we must not deny that the current systems the industry is operating on are expired, unsustainable, and bring damage & suffering to the Earth and the Humanity. Moreover, two words that paint a huge issue we must not forget to address as an industry: Mental Health. More to come on that as well.
In the next editions of this newsletters & in form of?Medium posts, we will be focusing on topics such as spirituality & conscious approach to fashion as a tool for cultural renaissance, phygitalization of creative industries, new business models that support regenerative systems and much more.
This newsletter is a 2020 year review and an outlook on what else is possible for 2021 and beyond. This edition is a collection of articles, lectures, interviews and reports that we lovingly curated for our community. Hopefully, this can become a living document for us to look back to and learn elements of each fashion industry’s field that we believe is important to look at while building something completely new together.
I would like extend a special thank you to?Tatiana Oreshkova?for helping me bring this newsletter to life and all the volunteers and community members who chipped in the process of creation of Balanced Fashion 2.0.
Follow us on?Instagram,?Twitter,?Facebook?&? stay updated more frequently and connect with us directly. And guess what! Balanced Fashion Podcast is coming up soon because it’s about time your voice is going to be heard by our global fashion tribe. Reply on this email if you’d like to be featured in our podcast/Instagram interview & if you know of good upcoming events for us to feature here.
And finally, presenting to you the round up of fashion tech & business news from the year 2020:
That’s all for now. So much more digested & curated inspiring materials to come, including the podcast launch, epic interviews from the future of fashion POV and transparent communications from our team. Balanced Fashion is OUR responsibility, so if you have feedback & suggestions, we’re all ears.
Thank you, dear reader for holding it this past year and being the true warrior of beauty that you are!
Stay balanced, stay curious.
Love, Nataliya & the Balanced Fashion Team