Anirudh Kumar
Building Clueso (YC W23) | Customer Success | | Ex-Amazon | Past Area Director at Toastmasters | NSIT
?Life has been tough for everyone...forever
This can't be let down...ever
Running the daily races...coping with my own thoughts
In the hope with lots'o guts...and trusting the inner lust
Inspiring the minds for being kind...
i feels m alive...!!!
The pen i have ben using since seven years
get to its last edition and now its changed
maybe m using the last one of it...and there are many alike
even these small things affects me coz m alive...!!!
Sometimes reality pains.. not hurts
Everythin happening coz of reason sorts
Here we are constrained...we are bounded
we got limitations...we are obliged
But the world of your own virtuals
is the only one of which you got all controls...!!!
Those things m not able to execute here
i then prefer to go in my virtual world
Build your own world according to you
and you will find it easier to switch between the two
Remain lost somewhere...hunt the happiness
otherwise we have no time for such madness
this world never just go on its own
and we have surrendered our lives to move so on
Resist the flow...make the one odd
Listen to your insane at first
they somehow already know what you truly wants
All this i believe is the game of if life
And here in this i found myself...m alive...!!!
I have been afraid of...m a freak
coz things doesn't go as you think
Never wants to loose some...rather many things
thus found a way not to mess up with...not to leave...but keeping up with everything
Not a machine...m human being
walking down the old streets...hunting the happiness
remaining energetic...feeling desires
struggling through situations for realistic solutions
taking initiative...making efforts...passionate
feeling hopeful and expecting for a better future
Switching between the two...the older you and the newer you
Learning from the old to make way for the new...
Finding new ways to life...i finally feels m alive...!!!
Happy Readings
Anirudh Kumar
Ideas worth Changing Everything