Alignment Realignment of Digital/Human
José Maria Dias de Oliveira
Technical Admin @ University of Coimbra | Management, Technical Support
With the purpose to disclose the 13th Global?Peter Drucker Forum, that is dedicated to the debate and development studies of Digital Age in relation to professional as human beings and all their conditions in our already advanced context of Digital Age. These issues are inserted in AI and they have been faced and addressed with greater development since the late twentieth century and with greater intensity in the twenty-first century.
The subject of study and discussion in the Forum is well-done and fits on 100% right now. The emergence of COVID19 pandemic also reinforces it on 100% of requirement for analyze, to debate and to come up with the best management models for the relationship of professional in all areas as human beings who interact socially and professionally with New Technologies, the Digital Age, the Robotic Age, or rather the AI age.
Pandemic issues brought with it process management crises in all activities.
To introduce three students from India who were awarded in their written essays. They have wrote about management crises and crisis in professional who have the duty of management in all areas of activities. (having in consideration from scientific studies of Peter F. Drucker).
In a simple way I can mentioned that management crises are a matter of:
- Effective Decision Making,
- Communication,
- Culture,
- Opportunity,
- Change and Adjustments,
- Innovations,
- Training,
- Tenacity,
- Interaction,
- Resilience,
“A recurrent crisis should always have been foreseen. It can therefore either be prevented or reduced to a routine which clerks can manage. The definition of a “routine” is that it makes unskilled people without judgment capable of doing what it took near-genius to do before; for a routine puts down in systematic, step-by-step form what a very able man learned in surmounting yesterday’s crisis. The recurrent crises is not confined to the lower levels of an organization. It afflicts everyone.” — Peter F. Drucker
To face crisis in all areas of activities caused by Covid19 pandemic, professional, managers and leaders were supported by the New Technologies of Digital Age.
There were very positive.?
New Technologies inserted in the AI context have saved many areas of activity, as well as lives and life, jobs, financial activities.
All effects of long times ago of this one pandemic would have been worse and devastating.?
I quote: “The future that has already happened,” he has written, “is not within the present business; it is outside: a change in society, knowledge, culture, industry or economic structure. It is, moreover, a major trend, a break in the pattern rather than a variation within it.” - Peter F. Drucker
I quote: "The Covid crises has confirmed how much human sensitivity and skill is required in the caring professions, for example, qualities that even the most sophisticated robot still struggles to emulate. Homo sapiens and AI may both flourish if there is complementary rather than competition between them – augmentation rather than simply automation, as Tom Davenport and Julia Kirby put it in their book Only Humans Need Apply: winners and losers in the age of smart machines."
“The human imperative”, however, also remains, as the title is indicating of this year’s Drucker forum. And in order to “navigate uncertainty in the digital age” we will need the best of what both humanity and technology have to offer. June 15, 2021 13th Global Peter Drucker Forum" from - Human, all too human by Stefan Stern
The feasibility of drawing up a comparison ratio between the impact of Digital Capital on Human Capital, that can show values of analyzing-results of the influence of Digital Capital – DC on Human Capital - HC.
Taking into account that the ratio translate positive relationship of acceptance, positive adaptability, positive interaction, positive emotional behaviors and positive physical performance with New Technologies.
For example, the more new technologies applied in the scope of AI in relation to a certain team of professional who have showed very positive aspects to these New Technologies, we can see that the ratio tends to increase.
In global and comparative terms before the pandemic this ratio was low.
At the time of the pandemic this ratio is high by forces of circumstances.
After pandemic the ratio may decrease again to an average level......???????????????
José Maria Dias de Oliveira