Charles Cain
Career and Business Coach | I help individuals become leaders | Click the "Let's talk about YOU" link to schedule a complimentary 60-minute Coaching Conversation
You are probably wondering what the above picture has to do with the title. How can a sunset be related to an article about alignment? Allow me to try and convince you that it is all about alignment.
You see, each sunset is different and unique. In this picture, the cloud density, the amount of moisture in the atmosphere, the season of the year, how strong the wind is, the surface condition of the water, all of these and perhaps others are necessary to be in alignment to have produced this sunset. If any of these items had been slightly more or less, then this sunset would not have been possible.
Take this thinking and apply it to other situations in our lives. If a bad day happens at work, then the photograph that results will be different than if the day at work goes fantastic. And yet, each day will produce a unique sunset. It may not be the sunset we were hoping for at the beginning of the day, and yet the sunset will still happen.
The elements that make up our daily sunset are just as varied as the above photograph. Our mental mindset plays just as important a part in the sunset as the results at work we achieve. The relationships we have with our colleagues, our friends, our neighbors, and our family do as well.
And let's not forget about our physical and spiritual elements. If our body is tired, or it is bursting with energy, the result will be different. And if our soul is in one state one day, and a different state in another day, the resulting day's lifestyle sunset will be different.
With that said, we have control over HOW we are showing up in life. When our physical, mental, and spiritual bodies are in alignment, the sunsets we can behold each day can be spectacular, just as I captured in the above photograph.
Until next time,
Charles Cain, your ICF PCC Certified Coach.