When something is out of ALIGNMENT it does not function well.
Our products and services are most used and appreciated when there is ALIGNMENT between user needs, our results and user expectations
We can ALIGN well on the macro scale by further developing processes and systems to listen to our users, prioritizing our efforts to meet the user needs, and communicating what to expect so expectations are met or exceeded.
We can ALIGN well with many micro decisions every day. For example selecting a section header should ALIGN with the need for finding information, the content in the section, and the expectation created when the user reads the section header.
We perform at our personal best and get our greatest personal return when we have ALIGNMENT of our personal goals/objectives/tasks, our team's goals/objectives/tasks, our skills/talents/passions, and our support/development plans.
When we have such personal ALIGNMENT we are in the OPTIMAL zone -- enjoy it but check periodically to maintain such ALIGNMENT. When we are not in such ALIGNMENT things can be uncomfortable or inefficient - but many have found such ALIGNMENT (it takes active effort, clear understanding, and clear communication) and have found tremendous results.