As you have experienced life through this one single human vessel that you remember, you understand to identify with this vessel. As it grows from young to old, all the way to the last moments of this one vessel, do you identify your being partially with this body of yours that carries the mind, the mental construct, the heart, the emotional construct, as well as the energetic spiritual construct.

You are part of this body, as it is part of you — yet you are not it, and it is not you. It is a momentary vessel, a momentary gift, a temple of your existence for this physical plane. This material plane requires a construct like this human vessel to operate within, to embody a consciousness in individualized form, to embody and integrate a soul container and the energetic-spiritual construct of this body.

This design was created. It was the result of many iterations before — previous material planes of a similar kind. And, in its own way, the evolution of this material plane matched this physical form to the ecosystems available.

You are an ecosystem, as this physical body is matched into the many ecosystems of this Earth. The continued balance between your physical form and this material plane requires a fine-tuned operation, an intelligence that is embedded in the physical form itself, an intelligence that operates beyond the conscious mind, beyond the instincts embedded, even beyond the information embedded in the DNA of this form.

The knowledge that this body derives, the design of this form, is in the ethereal realms. This design is replicated in-to this form. And, with that design, the human form expresses itself in its materialization, in its manifestation, for you.

All aspects of this material form are subject to change. All parts of you that grow, that evolve, that break, that heal, that age, and that die, are subject to change. This form is more versatile than it is known to you than it is observed by you through the many generations that you have witnessed.

This physical form carries templates to prepare humanity for the Ascension process. It carries a strong bond to the energetic-spiritual construct that allows its own elevation, its own alteration and adjustment. The accumulation of energy within this form allows for direct manipulations, adjustments, healing, as well as the reversal of aging of this form.

The body in itself, in its most primitive form, is fed by the energy accumulated in other material forms on this planet. The extraction of that energy delivers the minimum amount, the simplest form of energy to this human body. This vessel is capable of receiving energy from other sources beyond your perception, beyond most individuals’ understanding. The recognition that this body is fueled by this Earth directly will be the first of your understanding, as all forms of consciousness on this planet are fueled by the energy of this planet itself, a unique and direct loving connection, pure and sheerly unlimited.

The connection of most individuals to this Earth has been separated by the many constructs humanity and society has created. The disconnection from this Earth resulted in the requirement to extract energy even further from other beings of this planet. The complexities of improving efficacy, as well as optimizing for growth, optimizing for density of energy, the industries, as well as the constructs created to feed the human body, have created even more complexities and difficulties for this human form to witness, to maintain, and to digest.

The Earth provides everything that is needed, exactly the way it is needed. Optimizations by human societal constructs are a sign of consciousness development, yet also an experiment that delivers many failures until it has found its balance. The current failures of these experiments deliver sicknesses never seen before, sicknesses that are deeply establishing misalignments within the human form, leading to the final completion of a lifetime.

Understanding the way this form receives its energy is [inseparable from] your understanding of life. Allowing yourself to connect deeper with this Earth, to receive the energy in its most direct form, connecting through the many energetic openings of this human form to this Earth, you will find that you will be fueled and served appropriately.

At first, it may not seem enough to sustain a living organism. At first, you will require a deeper trust. At first, you will continue to receive nourishment from food the way you have been, in addition to your receiving energy from this Earth — and you will learn to balance. You will learn to receive both adequately and appropriately. In your continued exploration and expansion of consciousness on your self-realization journey, you will start to understand the many sources of energy that are available beyond this Earth, this material plane, as well as non-material planes of existence.

Connections to higher frequencies allow for the connection and the reception of energies directed to this Earth. Your consciousness becomes the bridge to receive these energies. In order for your consciousness to reach and open to these energies it must first go through certain levels of adjustments, and [a] certain level of expansion. [A] sustainable state of the altered consciousness allows for a continuous delivery of energy into this human form, and that energy in the body is then transformed into a vital force of life.

This force of life can truly be utilized for any form required within the body. Any form of energy can be received to match the needs of the human form. Sicknesses and misalignments, wounds of this physical form, foreign organisms, as well as harmonic imbalances, can all be adjusted with this life force received from the many planes that provide it. The energy that is currently coursing through this host, to be received and transmitted to you, is such energy from higher planes. It is delivered without conditions, yet requires for the altered state of consciousness as a bridge, as a delivery mechanism and for the human form to be adjusted to receive fully and hold this capacity, to be able to deliver this capacity appropriately.

As you go and continue your self-realization journey, you will start to learn and understand in all the ways energy is received and transmuted within this form of your body. You will learn to understand that this form of energy will provide the required rest and repair for the mind, will provide the required opening and life force for the heart, will require all repairs, maintenance, as well as a deceleration of aging, a rejuvenation, and, eventually, a reversal of the aging process itself.

As the energies on this plane rise, humanity will learn to adapt, to receive higher energies into the human vessel, accumulate, transform, transmute, and transmit all of these energies through this one single body of yours, the collective of many organisms, combined and operated with divine intelligence, to serve you and to allow you to have this human experience on this material plane. You are the manifestation of the Love of Creation, as it courses through all of your cells, through all of your molecules. You are creation.

In the beauty of this experience, you are created, and you create, yourself. The design of this existence allows for the continuation of life, for the provisions of everything necessary to continue life on this planet. It does require overcoming the failures of the experiments. Learning from the experiments conducted, learning from what does actually work — and what does not — allowing yourselves as society to adapt and to adjust your behaviors as swiftly as you can, to provide the best understanding of evolution, of innovation, and growth.

This design that you have been given, the human form, is complex for the human mind to fully understand, as certain layers of this human form are beyond the visible and the measurable aspects of this material plane. The aspects that you do not see are as well critical in the operations of this human form. The aspects that are not seen, yet are visible for those that continue to evolve, their perception of reality will allow for adjustments to be made, adjustments to the human form, adjustments for growth, adjustments for healing, adjustments for evolution, adjustments that allow the many unknown and rarely seen powers of this human form to be unlocked.

The time for this evolutionary step has come, and we will support the individuals that are ready to go through this evolutionary process in the ways we can. The journey to healing, the journey to alignment, is not alone bound to the physical form. It is deeply connected to the mental construct, to the perception of self, to the perception of all, as well as to the emotional construct, the energetic-spiritual construct equally plays an important role in the alignment of the physical form, and vice-versa.

You are a combination of all parts of you, therefore, all parts of you manifest in this physical form, misalignments of your thoughts, misalignments received in the past, unprocessed, established themselves into this very moment. In this very moment, the most tangible aspect of who you are is your physical form. You are the manifestation of all aspects, processed and unprocessed. You are the result of all your experiences of the past, and the expectations that you hold for the future. In this very present moment is the manifestation of your being. Understanding your past, realigning your past, understanding your expectations of the future, will change the physical manifestation of the present moment.

First, the emotional and mental alignments will start to adjust your energetic-spiritual construct, and the energetic-spiritual construct will allow for healing and for growth, for realignments to happen over time. Some alignments will happen instantaneously. Some will require a period of time to fully manifest into the physical form.

Receive this work of alignment with an open heart and an open mind. The possibilities are as vast as you can imagine — and beyond. Allow the energy of this transmission to be received in all cells of your being, in all parts of your body, all the way into the cells and the molecules of your being.Alignment o


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