Aligning Vision, Legacy, and Future Collaborations
ConnectSydney's Contractor Forum 2023
We're excited to share insights from our recent Contractor Forum, an event focused on driving success and fostering connections within our valued network. Held at the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence (NCIE) on Gadigal Land in Redfern, the forum provided an exceptional platform to delve into vital topics underpinning our collective growth and excellence.
One of the key takeaways was the role of nurturing and strengthening relationships. The presentations prompted reflections on our legacy and achievements, particularly our focus on engaging with indigenous communities, which is a testament to our commitment to meaningful connections.
The Connect Sydney Contractor Forum was an exploration of key aspects driving our collective growth and success. Sessions spanned from aligning with our values and strategic commitments to safety, innovation, sustainability, diversity, inclusion, Aboriginal engagement, upcoming opportunities, and essential success factors.
This was also an opportunity to showcase how aligning your values with ours enables us to acknowledge and reward your exceptional efforts, further advancing us toward shared success. We're very proud to honour the winners of this year's ConnectSydney Contractors Awards:
Excellence Award: Congratulations to GM Road and Civil Group for their outstanding excellence.
Integrity Award: Congratulations to Marine & Civil Maintenance (MCM) for their unwavering commitment.
Collaboration Award: Our heartfelt congratulations to T & S Roadworks for their responsive, adaptable, and collaborative approach, even in high-pressure environments. Their exceptional attitude and collaboration have earned them the reputation of being a "great company to work with."
"Deadly" Award: Congratulations to Traffic Facilities Maintenance Pty Ltd (TFM) for achieving the highest percentage base Aboriginal contributions among non-Aboriginal businesses. An impressive 19.3% for the year, coupled with significant direct engagement with Aboriginal employees.
Special Mention: We commend Plateau Trees for their strong performance across various areas, high female representation, and impactful Aboriginal participation.
We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone who attended and took part in the event. Your presence and active involvement are essential in ConnectSydney's vision forward.
A warm thank you to our speakers – Brennan Daly, Leanne Fox, Lauren Dwyer, Gregory Davison, Simon Denmeade, Ashley Johnson, and Prema Thangavel. Your insights and guidance in aligning with our values paved the way for our collective growth and success. Your contributions have truly showcased how excellence and innovation can drive the achievement of our culture, values, and goals.