Aligning technology with preexisting & emerging health and safety risks !
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
'Predictive Data Analytics' and 'Severity Scanning' for 'Risk Rating', 'Less Uncertainty' and 'More Precise Treatment' of Hazards....
The days of managing "Reasonably Foreseeable" hazards and risk only requiring "Reasonably Preventive or Mitigative" action are over in the 21st Century as, a 100 years of RIDDOR digitised and analysed by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) including the 2007 Better Display Screen Meta Medical Review of DSE RSI's.
So, rather begs the question what are employers going to do now facing "Evidence Based Predictive Analytics" without the wriggle room of "Reasonably Foreseeable or Reasonably Preventable" ?
Compliance with ISO 45001 "Work Exposure Limits", ISO 45003 Wellbeing & Mental Health, UK & International Accessibility Regulations affectively addresses the repetitive stress injuries reported by 58% of DSE Operators suffering CVS or Screen Fatigue including the visually impaired, Neurodiverse & Dyslexic at a 4 to 7 fold increased of eye-strain, presenteeism, 3D binocular vision stress, eye and headaches, blurred or worse double vision, dizziness, migraine and inability to carrying-on regardless of discomfort.