Aligning Process to Customer
by Mike Boyte , LSS Instructor
Recently I was teaching a Lean Six Sigma course, talking to students about the purpose behind using statistical analysis in decision-making. I know, it sounds like a riveting exchange of wit, levity, and inspiration. Isn’t every exchange that involves data, evidence, and reason?
Of course not. So, then, what is our purpose? Our mission? Our journey? Simply stated…it is to find direction. Some find themselves at a fork in the road, lick a finger, hold it up to the wind and feel the path to the right solution…hoping for the best. Me? No thank you. Been there, done that.
Put a little differently, a major goal of the LSS methodology is to make better business decisions. Better decisions lead to fewer mistakes and better outcomes, for both our customers and our company. I will add that many different LSS tools can help in making better business decisions. This is something we stress at all levels of Lean Six Sigma training, from Yellow Belt up to Master Black Belt.
So - how are decisions made in your organization? Are they made because “someone” knows what to do? How many times has a person in a leadership role reacted to a “bad” day or period of “lack-luster” performance? No answer required…we’ve all seen it, and some of us have done it. Ok. Mike! What’s your point? My point is simple…CONTINUE READING