Aligning with Heaven: The Path to Righteousness and Divine Provision
Dr. Rauna Shipena
Dr. Rauna Shipena is a visionary leader with a passion for innovation, governance, and strategic transformation.
Understanding the Message of Jesus Christ: Aligning with the Kingdom of God and Righteousness
When Jesus Christ walked the earth, His central message revolved around the Kingdom of God and its righteousness. This message was not just a call to believe, but an invitation to a transformed life, one that reflects the values and principles of God's Kingdom.
The Kingdom of God: A Spiritual Rebirth
One of the most profound moments in Jesus’ ministry occurred during His conversation with Nicodemus, a Pharisee and a member of the Jewish ruling council. When Nicodemus approached Jesus by night to understand His teachings, Jesus told him, "Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again" (John 3:3). Confused, Nicodemus asked if a person must re-enter their mother’s womb to be born a second time. Jesus clarified that this rebirth was not physical but spiritual—a renewal of the spirit that was lost in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned and lost God's presence.
The concept of being "born again" has since become a cornerstone of Christian belief. It signifies a spiritual transformation where a person accepts Jesus as their Savior and begins a new life under the rule and guidance of God. Many churches successfully lead people to this point of repentance and spiritual renewal, guiding them into the Kingdom of God. However, Jesus' message did not end with being born again.
The Call to Righteousness
The second part of Jesus' message focuses on righteousness—living in a way that is right and pleasing to God. Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." This righteousness is about more than just avoiding sin; it is about actively aligning our lives with God's will and commandments.
For many believers, this is where the challenge lies. While they may experience the joy of spiritual rebirth, living out that new life in true righteousness often proves difficult. Despite becoming new creatures in Christ, many continue to struggle with sin, failing to fully embrace the righteousness that Jesus calls for. This struggle can prevent the fulfillment of Jesus' promise that "all these things will be given to you," referring to the needs and desires of life that God promises to provide for those who live righteously.
Aligning with God's Kingdom
To align with the Kingdom of God means to live in harmony with its values and principles. The Bible, our constitution, clearly outlines what happens to those who live in alignment with God's Kingdom. Those who are obedient and in right standing with God are cared for by the Government of Heaven. Just as heaven is richly adorned with diamonds and streets of gold, so too are the lives of those who align themselves with God's Kingdom. It is a disgrace to God when His children, who should be reflecting the wealth and provision of His Kingdom, are seen begging for bread, contradicting the promise that "the children of the righteous have never been seen begging for bread" (Psalm 37:25).
Freedom from Captivity
Another critical aspect of Jesus' ministry was setting people free from spiritual captivity. He taught that righteousness is not about rigidly adhering to laws or commandments, but about a heart aligned with God. The righteous do not need the law because their lives naturally reflect God's will. In contrast, those who are still bound by sin need the law to guide and correct them. Jesus died to cleanse us from our sins, but we must not take this grace for granted. Instead, we must strive to live in obedience and righteousness, aligning ourselves with God's Kingdom so that His promises can be fulfilled in our lives.
Tithing, Offering, and Generosity
Tithing and offering are practical expressions of our alignment with God's Kingdom. God asks for 10% of our income as a tithe, leaving us with 90% to manage wisely. This practice teaches us discipline and reminds us that everything we have comes from God. When we come before God, just as we would before any earthly king or president, we should bring a fitting gift, recognizing His sovereignty and our role as His subjects.
Generosity, too, is a mark of those who are truly aligned with the Kingdom of God. Jesus modeled a life of prayer, fasting, teaching, deliverance, and forgiveness. As His followers, we are called to do the same, extending grace and generosity to others as a reflection of God's character.
The Promise of Provision
Jesus promised that those who seek the Kingdom of God and its righteousness would have all their needs met. When we align ourselves with God's will, we need not worry about food, clothing, shelter, or any other earthly concerns. God, the King of Kings, will provide for us as His citizens. However, this provision is contingent upon our obedience and alignment with His Kingdom.
In summary, Jesus' message of the Kingdom of God and its righteousness is a call to spiritual rebirth and a life of alignment with God's will. It is a call to leave behind the old ways of sin and embrace a new life of righteousness, where God's provision and blessings flow abundantly. As believers, we must stop giving credit to the prince of this world and instead fully submit to the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, so that His promises may be fulfilled in our lives.
@ Remain Blessed!