Aligning the "fabric of space" for utilitarian non-local signaling?
Representation of long-lived particle/antiparticle pairs being aligned from greater randomness. *

Aligning the "fabric of space" for utilitarian non-local signaling?

v. 4 n. 6

In the previous Letter space was described as inherently non-local in terms of particle/antiparticle pairs widely separated, yet instantaneously connected, regardless of separation distance. ** But because these pairs are randomly arranged space appears to limit communication among visible objects to light speed rather than putting them in instant communication with one another. Given the same instructions to the text-to-image converter as in the cover image, that of Figure 1 has a more random appearance, although there are still near-parallel grouping patterns, especially near the bottom. This could suggest that space itself is not strictly homogeneous. More to the point, though, these particle/antiparticle pairs (lines in the images)

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Figure 1. Line representation of long-lived (low energy) random particle/antiparticle pairs, making up the "fabric of space.".

might conceivably be manipulated into more parallel configurations in order to enhance the non-locality characteristics in a preferred direction to possible general utilitarian effect, as opposed to severely restricted conventional quantum tunneling at the micro scale. Perhaps demonstrated quantum tunneling might expose such longer-lived particle/antiparticle pairs as the physical means of such tunnelling, apart from theoretical considerations of a particle's wavefunction extending beyond the micro barrier in question giving a finite probability of the particle being on the other side of the barrier.

A possible mechanism for this manipulation of hypothetical natural entanglement of space could be to subject the space of interest -- such as between two communication ports where instantaneous communication is desired -- to the natural (resonant) frequency of the particle/antiparticle pairs in question in order to disrupt the natural random entanglement pattern, "isolating, melting, stretching," this space. This would be analogous to heating a metal or plastic to a molten condition in order to form it into a desired shape with ultimate crystalline graining in a preferred direction.

The natural frequency in the case of such "virtual-come-stable particles" in the ground-state quantum vacuum is just from E=hv, where v is frequency, where the range in space is about 10^-100 to 10^-10 ergs, as discussed; those near the mid-range of energies with longer lives and longer entanglement distances would be targeted. There would seem to be preferred utilitarian lengths, though -- too long and sufficient disentangling might not be practical, too short and preferred directions may not be obtainable. An analogy could be the tailoring of molecular lengths in polymers for specific applications; then tempering or stretching for more strength in particular directions.

* Cover image, instruction to BingAI text to image: "50 thin gray random lines at random angles in 3-dimensional space."

** (1) Implicit antimatter and shortcuts in space? | LinkedIn

Caption for cover image: Representation of long-lived particle/antiparticle pairs being aligned from greater randomness. *


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