Aligning Business with Nature for Future-fitness
Giles Hutchins
Coach & Author of Leading by Nature, Nature Works, Regenerative Leadership, Future-Fit and other books
Here I’d like to bring two worlds together that rarely sit well together and yet can – and must - if we are to face into our future humanity.
The world of business – with its tools & technologies, needs & desires. ???
And the world of nature.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
What possibly could the world of nature with its sand, seas and soils, muddy footprints, forests and fungi bring to the world of business?
Rather a lot as it happens, and it might just be what saves us from our precarious predicament.
Because it’s not just one or two black swans over the horizon with disparate catastrophic events, it’s a whole flock of black swans unleashing interlocking crises that feed-off each other.
The term ‘permacrisis’ has recently entered the business lexicon to describe a long period ahead of rising catastrophic disruption, a new-norm of unceasing transformation, with a maelstrom of motives contributing to this sea-change.
Organizations best able to adapt and evolve amid unceasing transformation will be tomorrow’s success stories. Those resistant to change will be yesterday’s news. Adapt or die is the hard reality. And it’s nature that provides the masterkey for future-fitness amid this rising complexity.
The famous systems scientist, Gregory Bateson, put his figure right on it when identifying that the world’s problems stem from the gap between the way people think and how nature works.
“The major problems in the world are the result of the difference between how nature works and the way people think.”?? Gregory Bateson
My work over the last thirty years as Senior Adviser, Management Consultant and Executive Coach to hundreds of leaders and organizations throughout the world, explores how to close that gap between how leaders tend to think in machine-mentality with how nature works in a living-systems relational way.
Nature Works, and it does work for at least two good reasons to the benefit of ourselves as leaders and change agents:
First, all around us is a treasure-trove of what works amid continual change and upheaval: 3.8bn years’ worth of R&D at our figure-tips if we so choose to see.
Secondly, the very act of going into nature is scientifically proven to shift us physiologically and psychologically, enabling us to embrace change and cultivate future-fitness.
“Those who flow as life flows know they need no other force.”? Lao Tzu
Over the last fifteen years I’ve taken hundreds of leaders and their teams into nature on what I call Leadership Immersions; specifically designed to catalyse the shift from machine-mentality into the way nature works – which I call ‘Nature’s Wisdom’, as its not just outer forms, patterns or principles we can learn from nature but also ways of relating, knowing and perceiving.
Here, I’d like to share three aspects of Nature’s Wisdom with you, that when embodied will enable future-fitness in the leader and organization. Then, the permacrisis becomes more of a ‘metacrisis’, as in ‘moving beyond’ the hunkering-down, crisis management of machine-mentality that at best only copes amid complexity, into learning how to thrive amid rising complexity. ?Because as we move beyond the very limitations of today’s worldview of machine-mentality, we realise that the numerous global crises we face – from environmental to social, and from political to psychological – are indeed interrelated, and find their root cause in the machine-mentality tyrannizing over our ways of leading and operating in business and beyond. Hence, the ‘metacrisis’ might just provide our wake-up from this machine-mentality and, therefore, provide a profound pivotal moment for humanity. This unfolding crisis of crises may not be sowing the seeds of our own suicidal demise but rather sowing the seeds of our necessary evolution into a new dawn – a new way where business wakes up to the way nature works.
These three aspects of Nature’s Wisdom are:? (for a more comprehensive exploration into these aspects see Leading by Nature).
1)????? Life is ever-changing
2)????? Life is full of tensions
3)????? Life is relational & interconnected
So, let’s dive into the first.
Life is ever-changing:? all the time amid every moment life is a seething excitation of change upon change, nothing stays the same everything is continually renewing and adapting amid constant flow. If this unceasing change ceased but for an instant, life would instantly die.
Let’s take a cell in our bodies, say one within the finger in our hand, for instance. Within each cell there are millions of maneuvers happening every second. The genes are not static blueprints or codes, but more like open-source libraries continually exchanging through these millions of maneuvers, from electromagnetic fluctuations to chemical changes and more.
The cell also has millions more maneuvers through its membrane sensing and responding to the changing outer environment every second. A continual co-creative dance of inner-outer, a heaving churning of change. The cell is not reacting to outer-change in the environment, instead there’s a continual interpenetration of inner and outer maneuverings. The cell and the environment change together in participatory dance with each other.
Let’s say we cut our finger. All sorts of miraculous adaptations unfold. New corpuscles and capillaries being formed as well as skin being regenerated, all through locally-attuned sensing-responding. There is no top-down hierarchic control-managing here, the brain is not even involved. Everything is happening locally. This sensing-responding locally-attuning is the very nature of life.?
It’s the same for our organizations: people closest to changing customer requirements and market fluctuations need to be empowered to sense-respond at the local level. Top-down hierarchic bureaucracy is at best cumbersome, but also disempowers and saps away at the ability of the organizational system to adapt to change.
So we need to shift the leadership dynamic from top-down control-managing to locally-attuning sense-respond.? In adult developmental lingo this is described as a shift from parent-child to adult-adult. Rather than the leader needing to know everything, to command, cope and struggle amid change, there’s a networked capacity to embrace change.? Just like the forest or human body so too the organization.
(Control- manage/sense-respond; parent child/adult-adult; power-over/power with; top-down/locally-attuned)
And this is where the second aspect of Nature’s Wisdom comes in:
Life is full of tensions – Tensions are the crucibles for creativity, the very life-blood that fuels adaptation and emergence. The machine-mind finds tension uncomfortable and seeks to close the tension as quickly as possible, whereas the sense-respond living-systems mindset learns to play with tensions. The phrase I share with my coaching clients is ‘learning to become comfortable with the uncomfortable’. To begin to realize that the conflict, adversity and challenge that the tension provides is the very fuel for emergence.
Emergence is the way life adapts to change. It’s nature’s creative advance. The unfolding flowing of life. For the organization to become future-fit amid rising complexity it needs to become emergent. Hence, emergence is fast becoming the Holy Grail in Leadership & Organizational Development (L&OD) circles these days, as organizational emergence enables future-fitness.
But when applying approaches like agile, lean or self-managing ways of working we often overlook that tensions lie at the heart of emergence. So its important for leaders and their teams across the entire organization to learn to embrace tensions, and become comfortable with the uncomfortable.
Think of emergence as a flowing river. The two opposite banks of the river are divergence and convergence.? The tension of divergence (opening up) and convergence (bringing together) is what allows for emergence.?? Without the two banks in-tension together, the river loses its flow-force and direction.
This tension of divergence/expansion and convergence/contraction is everywhere in life. The heart-beat expanding-contracting, our breathing in and out, high tide and low tide, the day and night, summer and winter. Everywhere this pulsation spawns life. Close the tension and life becomes lifeless, the organization becomes flaccid and fragile, and the leader passive-aggressive and stuck.
Dee Hock knew this importance as Founder, CEO & Chairman of one of the most successful and profitable organizations the world has ever seen – VISA. Hock credits this success due to the insights he gleaned from nature and this tension of divergence-convergence in what he calls the ‘chaordic zone’ the sweet spot of chaos (divergence) and order (convergence). Cultivating this chaordic zone in our teams and organizations enables future-fitness.
We cultivate divergence in our organizations by encouraging people to work across silos. We might still wish to maintain a hierarchy with functional silos yet encourage people to work across silos with cross-functional agile teams to connect people across the system. We bring in diversity of thought and perspective. Also, we can encourage diversity of age, creed, culture, gender and perceptual horizon by bringing different people from within the organization and also beyond the organization across the stakeholder ecosystem through activities - hackathons, swarms, future-search workshops, world cafes, stakeholder dialogue sessions and so forth.? All of this unleashes the power of tensions; enlivening the river-flow of emergence.
Too much divergence and we get chaos, so we need to balance it with convergence - role & responsibility, rituals, values, clear sense of purpose, decision making protocols, tech platforms, defined processes, performance metrics and such like. Too much convergence (which the machine-mindset just loves with its fetish for control, order and clarity) then we end up with rigidity, and Nassim Taleb’s ‘organizational fragility’ - the inability to cope amid fast-moving change.
When we work with tensions of difference and find the right chaordic sweet-spot of divergence-convergence we cultivate emergence. We get Nassim Taleb’s ‘anti-fragile organizations’, one’s that start to thrive amid change, and where tensions are held with the right level of psychological safety and developmental challenge to unleash organizational learning. This requires regularly moving out of the comfort zone through the fear zone into the learning zone and growth zone.
This brings us to the third aspect: Life is relational and interconnected.
As we start to shift out of the control-manage machine-mentality we start to realize that the organization is not a machine at all but a complex adaptive system that is full of messy unpredictable human relationships, like the chat next to the coffee machine, down the corridor, in the corporate boardroom, the informal power-plays, hidden leader networks, what’s said, what’s not said; all contribute to stifling, or enlivening, the vitality of the living-organization.
Often the CEOs I coach change their title from Chief Executive Officer to Chief Ecosystem Officer when they begin to realize that their job is one of sensing-responding across the whole system, with its inner-nature (the culture and people) and its outer-nature (the value propositions and stakeholder ecosystem). This sensing-responding requires letting go of the burdensome bureaucratic control-manage tendencies in order to free-up energy to truly sense what’s going on across the business and reawaken entrepreneurial creativity by sensing systemic possibility.
When leaders awaken to the organization-as-living-system and realise its innate relationality, they can start to work with ‘organizational acupuncture’ - small pin-prick interventions that cost nothing yet release stuckness and allow flow right where it matters.
Gone are the days of expensive heavy-handed top-down change management programmes that take too long. Instead, we activate the potential of everyone to sense-respond with continual feedback processes that aid developmental learning while unlocking people’s potential to thrive amid fast-paced change.? This inside-out adaptation works with the relational nature of the living-organization rather than imposing and disempowering from up on high. And it liberates the CEO from a constrained constricted control-manage tendency into a sense-respond dynamic enabling the leader, team and organization to flow and thrive amid change rather than struggle and react against change.
Back to the cells in our bodies to illustrate this inherent relationality in life. Each cell with its millions of inner and outer maneuvers is working in a seething ever-changing bodymind of around 37.2 trillion cells, of which about 70-90% are not even human.? One might reflect for a moment that around 10,000 species of life live in us. It’s a real collab, as without the help of these nonhuman species we’d utterly fail at life.
When I take leaders on nature immersions, I often pick up a handful of soil and share how in just this small handful there are more living-beings working together than there are human beings on the entire planet. It’s not just our human bodies, but all of nature that’s a constant collab. It’s the same for our organizations and business ecosystems.
Being in nature doesn’t just inspire us at the head level, it helps us shift at the head-and-heart level, with simple yet powerful practices throughout the immersion we activate a state of flow inside us, an active-relaxed awareness where the high-beta brain-waves of the machine-mentality’s need to control and compartmentalize starts to ease into alpha waves, aligning with the very frequencies of nature and the Earth, our home. With this bodymind alignment, we allow the left and right brain hemisphere, dorsal and ventral attention networks, and sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to start to cohere together. This aids our natural capacity to sense-respond to life’s relationality and enhances our self-awareness and systemic-awareness while attuning with the way nature works.?? We bring in a different quality of consciousness to ways of leading beyond the very machine-mindset that created our crisis of crises in the first place.
In these leadership immersions, we can start to sense the presence of what brilliant first-rate scientists like Einstein, Bohr, Bohm, Schrodinger and other Nobel Laureates found decades ago: an all-pervasive Field, which has long been known throughout the world’s wisdom traditions by various names like the Tao, the Way of Nature, Akasha, Source. This Field has a very real and potent presence in our lives and also in our organizations, greatly informing our self-awareness and systemic-awareness, and deepening capacity to thrive amid rising complexity. Simple yet powerful practices - like sitting in circle around the campfire with a talking-stick, deep listening, dialogue, giving and receiving feedback, cultivating coaching conversations and moments of silent reflection - all work wonders for allowing corporate protection rackets and machine-mindset machinations to evaporate and our authenticity and presence to emerge. Afterall, let’s not forget that the single biggest inefficiency in our organizations today – according to Harvard Business School research – arises from the fact that much of the time at work we are doing two jobs. One job we’re being paid to do and the other job we’re not being paid to do yet spending much of our time and energy on: that of managing other’s impressions of ourselves, propping up masks, holding-back on our authenticity, playing small and getting caught up in our own judgements, cynicisms and fears. This is what saps the vitality of the living-organization like nothing else. Sorting this human authenticity out unleashes far more adaptability and creativity than any tech-app or AI tool can ever solve.
With these three aspects of Nature’s Wisdom embodied into our leadership we lead ourselves and our organizational living-systems through the upcoming permacrisis toward future-fitness. With our own conscious shift, the permacrisis morphs into a metacrisis that wakes us up from our machine-machinations, digitized distractions, tic-tok titillations and infatuations with artificial intelligence which would struggle to come anywhere close to replicating the sophistication of just one leaf, blade of grass, or thimble of soil. Its high time we started to remember the awesomeness of how life really is.? Then, we begin to live up to our name as Homo Sapiens - beings who work with wisdom - amid this deeply wise, sentient and interconnected world.? Bring on the metacrisis and let’s start to thrive by working with nature rather than struggling against Her.
This is why I have written my latest book NATURE WORKS which explores – indeed activates – regenerative leadership consciousness, to help us embody the wisdom of life amid these challenging times, so we don’t merely ‘cope’ but ‘thrive’ amid increasing complexity by learning to flow as life flows.
Book reviews for NATURE WORKS:
‘This is a fascinating read which will challenge your approach to life and the way you consider every action. I loved reading this because it didn’t just throw out a statement or idea and expect you to merely react. It guides you through each thought, consistently delving deeper… This isn’t a light read, but then I wasn’t looking for that, I wanted my perceptions to be challenged and to expand my mind. This delivered on that front and I cannot recommend this enough. It will change how you look at life.’
‘This book will open your mind and heart and transform the way you live and lead. Giles is a wonderful writer with an ability to weave scientific, spiritual, natural and practical threads into compelling narratives that illuminate a pathway towards the harmonious relationship between humanity and nature that we so urgently need. Underpinned by his decades of real-world experience as a regenerative leadership coach and consultant, this book combines cutting-edge scientific findings with ancient wisdom to show us a path forward that is more integrated, wise and healthy for all the planets creatures and systems. Highly recommended!’
‘The worldview shift described in "Nature Works" invites us all to embark on a profound, personal, and collective transformation, recognising that healing from separateness to interconnectedness is crucial on our pathway. “Nature Works” is not just a book but an experience that will have you thinking, feeling, and most likely challenged. Certainly curious. It is part philosophy, business, and regenerative frameworks and touches the edges of a psycho-spiritual journey. It is a must-read for those committed to leading in harmony with nature.’
‘This is so much more than a book! Its wisdom in text, conveying a richness of life beyond words. Truly profound – in fact, life-changing. Read it!’
NATURE WORKS is now available direct from the publisher here
And from Amazon here? as well as other book providers and all good book shops.
For more on coaching with Giles, visit his website here.
You can also sign up to his newsletter here.
To sign-up for a special one-day immersion with Giles at Springwood Farm on 13th February 2025, see here for more details.
Feedback from a recent immersion with Giles:
‘The immersion at Springwood with Giles was very powerful, thought-provoking, energising and soul-touching. I’m still strongly feeling the ripples from our time,?many days after, and have already started some conversations which could be life-changing as a result.? Thank you Giles! Highly recommended!’? ?Jules O'Donnell, Founder - talking CAT consulting
You can also sign up to his newsletter here.
About Springwood Farm: a mix of semi-ancient and ancient woodland with wildflower meadows, 60 acres, private and secluded specially designed for advanced leadership coaching work, see some pictures here:
About Giles Hutchins??-Thirty years of professional advisory & leadership experience, formerly Director of Business Transformation & Head of Practice with KPMG, and Global Director of Sustainability Solutions for multinational Atos (150,000 employees across 42 countries), last 12 yrs as Executive Coach, thought leader and advisor on future-fit leadership. Author of six critically acclaimed leadership books and several leadership papers. His coaching work has been called ‘life changing’. Clients include Unilever, P&G, Deloitte, McKinsey, AXA, McCain, Vivobarefoot, Ella’s Kitchen, Pukka Herbs, PwC, Coop, Budgens, Sainsbury, B Lab, Fairtrade, Rabobank, Impact International, World Benchmarking Alliance, Aviva, BBC, BP, Angel Investments, BNP Paribas, Cap Gemini, Cambridge University, EQT, INSEAD, Hult Business School, HEC and many more. Find out more about his coaching here?
His?Leading by Nature?podcast can be found at? interviews a selection of his coaching clients with a couple of coaching feedback provided here:
‘Having been ‘leadership development-ed’ up to my eyeballs in my corporate years, Giles Hutchins brings a unique mix of skills and techniques to coaching for these transformative times.’?Jayn Mayled, CEO, True Story
“Giles is like a lantern: he meets you where you’re at and illuminates the path ahead along side you. He brings an excellent blend of business acumen, emotional intelligence, and spiritual attunement. He works with your whole person, partners with you to help your natural abilities emergence and develop.’?Lisa Dittmar, Strategy Consultant, Deloitte
“Giles has been invaluable on my journey into better leadership and being a CEO who can connect better with himself/life and with others.? His intuition and sensitivity to each individual’s unique situation is remarkable and comes with years of experience learning from both business and living-systems/nature.? Anyone looking to develop their leadership for these challenging times would benefit from Giles’ wisdom.”??Paul Hargreaves, Founder & CEO, Cotswold Fayre & Flourish
‘We moved more in our sessions with Giles than we did in years with others.’?Alastair Sawday, Chairman & Founder, Sawdays Travel
For more on coaching with Giles or to register for the one-day immersion, visit his website here.
Regenerative Business Mentor | 4 x Founder | Accredited Business Coach | Certified Forest Therapist | Founder of The Growth Experience + Nature's Boardroom | Writer | Speaker | Facilitator | Board Advisor ??
4 个月Thanks for the reminder … this jumped out at me … ?????? “Tensions are the crucibles for creativity, the very life-blood that fuels adaptation and emergence. The machine-mind finds tension uncomfortable and seeks to close the tension as quickly as possible, whereas the sense-respond living-systems mindset learns to play with tensions. learning to become comfortable with the uncomfortable. To begin to realize that the conflict, adversity and challenge that the tension provides is the very fuel for emergence.
Creatieve gids voor mensen en merken
4 个月Geerke Versteeg
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Helping You See the Wood for the Trees: Creative Coaching Using Nature & Metaphor | Speaker | Author | Creative Facilitator | 24+ Years of Inspiring Change #LandscapingYourLife #Nature #PoeticInsight
5 个月Look forward to having a read
Coach & Author of Leading by Nature, Nature Works, Regenerative Leadership, Future-Fit and other books
5 个月Thinking of you and our conversations at Barrows Professor Peter Hawkins