Alien Nation to Publish November 15
In beginning this book, I was captured by two images. The first is a vision from the monk Thomas Merton sixty years ago: "I realized that I loved all these people though they were perfect strangers. They were made in God's image. There is no way of telling people that we are all walking around shining like the sun." The second is embodied in what we learned of the isolation and despair of the Las Vegas shooter of October, 2017. He was completely alienated from caring about anyone or anything. Nothing had any meaning.
It seems today like we are mired in the darkness of the second image, lost in alienation from one another and unable to even speak or listen. We have either rejected or forgotten the first image—the one which energized this nation and lifted our spirits for generations.
We have come to a critical choice in America today. We can walk in the light of the first image or become lost to the darkness of the second. Which will we choose?
The beginning of the book, "Why We Can't Talk," delves into the contradictions within each of us which help to drive the isolation and condemnation plaguing us today. The second part, "How We Heal," lays out four simple steps that are the formula to help us heal our divisions, reach out to one another and truly see that we "are all walking around shining like the sun."
To reserve your signed first publication copy, message me here.