Alien Architects and Pseudoarchaeology

Alien Architects and Pseudoarchaeology

Admit it! At least once you asked “Did the aliens build the pyramids?” or wondered what secrets lie there. Buckle up, because we’re about dig up the hush-hush whispers following these theories ???

Think of an advanced technology that would make even Elon Musk jealous or Nikola Tesla baffled... Here come the Ancient Egyptians!

Egypt is home to 118 pyramids. The pyramids have inspired some truly out-of-this-world speculations. While these theories might be more fiction than fact, they certainly add a sprinkle of excitement to our quest for understanding the ancient wonders. It is necessary to bear in mind that these theories have the potential to propagate pseudoarchaeology, which deviates from authentic archaeological practices.

Not every pharaoh or great power of the Old Kingdom was able to check 'build a pyramid' off their bucket list. Take a walk around the Zawyet el-Aryan area and you'll find a number of pyramids that never quite made it to the finish line. Case in point: the Baka Pyramid, where all that's left is the shaft.

Time Capsule ??

Remember Tutenstein? It’s your sign to re-watch it! It follows the adventures of a ten-year-old boy named Cleo who is accidentally awakened from his eternal sleep in a museum exhibit. Upon awakening, Cleo discovers that he has been transformed into a mummy and now lives in a world filled with ancient Egyptian magic and mythology.

Joining the Gods: “Ba” and “Ka”

The ancient Egyptians had deep religious beliefs, and the design and construction of the pyramids were closely tied to their cosmology and beliefs about the afterlife. The smooth, angled sides of the pyramids were symbolic. They were meant to mimic the sun's rays, representing the journey of the deceased pharaoh's soul as it ascended to join the sun god Ra in the afterlife.

While the "ba" was believed to be a person's personality or individuality, the "ka" was the life force or essential energy that sustained an individual throughout their earthly existence and beyond. After one's death, it was believed that the "ka" and "ba" would begin a journey to the afterlife, where they would reunite and continue to exist in a transformed state. Mummification played a crucial role in this process. The body was placed in a sarcophagus within the pyramid, along with a vast array of offerings and treasures.

It was a great honour to be buried close to the pharaoh. This honour was reserved for prominent members of the court. If you are buried near the pharaoh, you have good reason to expect a prestigious place in the next world.

Aliens, Really? ??

Pseudoarchaeology is the wild cousin at the family reunion of archaeology. It's the one who shows up with outrageous stories, flashy claims, and questionable evidence, making everyone raise an eyebrow.

Pseudoarchaeological theories, including the alien pyramid hypothesis, often arise from misinterpretations of archaeological evidence. They tend to overlook the achievements and capabilities of ancient societies while sensationalizing the role of extraterrestrial intervention. Such ideas are often propagated by TV shows like Ancient Aliens, which has been running for 20 seasons. Enjoy the drama, the mystery, and the "what-ifs" of shows like "Ancient Aliens," but always approach them with a sceptical eye.

We would definitely recommend you check out Sarah Kurnick’s TEDX Talk.

Then, How?

The Great Pyramid of Khufu is estimated to have consisted of approximately 2.3 million limestone blocks, each weighing around 2.5 tons on average. The workforce may have been around 20,000 people. And, contrary to popular belief, they were not slaves but skilled Egyptian workers, many of them probably agricultural labourers recruited during the annual Nile floods when farming was impossible.

The deliberate lack of detailed records or documentation of the construction process by the ancient Egyptians adds to the mystery and mystique surrounding the pyramids. Professor Kara Cooney mentions how “any authoritarian regime is going to hide their secrets as long and as best as they can.” So, the ambiguity was intentional.

Pyramid Magic: The Great Pyramid of Giza

Can we say it’s the world's oldest unsolved puzzle? ??? If the Great Pyramid of Giza had a voice, it would probably say, "I've seen empires rise and fall, but I'm still here!" So, it has a lot to tell! Listen to the Great Pyramid of Giza’s story on Piri Guide.

Listen Now!


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