The "Alien + Apple Pie" Writing Method
Tamsin Henderson
Founder, Copy Kooks | 99,999 copywriting students | Kitchen Table Freedom is my new program for midlife experts who want to create new income streams
I recently shared how I wrote 47 case studies for one client, with absolutely ZERO knowledge of their business or industry.
Like not. a. single. sausage. ??
And you might be thinking “well easy for you to say toots, you’ve got the chops to work it out.”
But here’s the thing.
1) I was just like any hopeful new copywriter back then, no different, not special, just figuring it out as I went.
2) I didn’t actually have to work it out (yay!)
I didn’t need to become an overnight subject matter expert in lateral spreading perennial ryegrasses or determinate stolons to write a single word of that first case study (or any of the subsequent 46 case studies).
And this is one of the things that often comes up when I'm talking to new copywriters:
“But I don’t know anything about [insert industry] and how do I write a case study when I’m clueless about the subject? And won't they call me an imposter? And why would anyone hire little old me when there are so many other writers out there?”
Here’s the thing, writing case studies is about information gathering NOT subject matter expertise.
Indulge me for a moment, will you?
I’d like you to picture a little blue alien sitting at your kitchen table. Like the one in the gif above.
In front of him is a pile of ingredients: butter, eggs, sugar, cooking apples, flour, milk.
This alien has zero concept of food, has never seen any of these things before. He's COMPLETELY confused.
But then, the alien pulls out a list of questions and poses them to you. You answer in a clear, conversational way because you want him to understand what each ingredient is and how to use it.
Next, using a simple recipe, and -- armed with your helpful answers -- he starts to peel the apples, cream the butter and sugar, roll out the pastry... and successfully bake a delicious ?? pie.
...You, like the alien, have a set list of pre-prepared questions designed to elicit the right information -- in the right language -- from your interviewee.
...Then, you use a proven recipe to sort that information into a compelling, narrative structure.
... And before you know it, your apple pie is fresh out of the oven and ready to devour.
So you see, the not-so-secret to writing an effective case study is having the right ingredients (questions) and the right recipe (structure) in place and ready to go.
?? ?? ??
Tomorrow, I’ll share why subject matter expertise can actually be MORE of a hindrance than a help.
And by the way, this applies to all types of copywriting, not just case studies. ??
Comment below if you’ve ever written a case study. Did you follow a proven recipe or did you cobble it together on the fly? (Like my cooking). Tell me!