Algorithm reveals the stunning differences between 'liberals' and the rest

In my job, I am as concerned about why people say and do what they do as much as what they say and do. The why is very important because it helps us intervene and have the right kind conversations with voters. So when a friend says he likes Arnab Goswami and another friend says he does not like Arnab Goswami, I wonder what drove them to those differences? You start off with demographics and eventually move to more sophisticated ways to identify those differences. Lot of this work is in the private domain and often funded by people for whom this is extremely important. However, recently, we have been accessing more and more publicly available tools to do the same analysis. They are are accurate to some extent but have their own set of problems. A week ago, I used one such tool to differentiate Arnab Goswami fans from the rest. The sample was small and therefore I avoided publishing it on Linkedin. The article can be read here. The big revelation in that analysis was that Arnab Goswami fans scored relatively low on Self-Direction - >Independent thought and action – choosing, creating, exploring

Late last week a US based expert introduced me to another tool that is able to analyse people without even administering a survey. I am not going to discuss the pros and cons of the tool as it has a few but instead focus on the headlined topic. To carry out this analysis, I chose 6 bloggers/well known journalists and selected a minimum of 3 of their blogs. These 3 were chosen randomly from about 100 'Liberal' and 'Right wing' twitter users. How do we know they are what we claim that they are? Almost 90% of their written content is not in favour of the current BJP Government and they are frequently the targets of loyal twitter users of the other parties.

A sample size of 3 per group could be small and therefore please consider the results with extreme caution. The only reason that I published this article is that it spurs a debate for future research and also because a very large number of blogs were considered for the analysis.

Once the data is entered, one gets a standardized but detailed output for each blogger/journalist. Here is the summary

Let us start with the attribute that is supposed to separate the two groups - 'Liberal' - how sociologically and ideologically liberal a person is. The labelled 'liberals' scored significantly lower than labelled 'right wing'.This ties in a little bit with another tool that showed Indian right wing doing reasonably well (though lower) on being Liberal. The two tools seem to suggest that we Indians perhaps are not so different from each other when it comes to being 'Liberal' and that the definitions of 'Liberal' versus 'Conservative/Right wing' are probably borrowed from the west rather than our own understanding of our politics. Coming to where the biggest differences lie, it is on the attributes- Independent - The degree to which a person is a non-conformist. The score difference between the two groups is a massive 52 points. No other attribute appears to differentiate the two groups as much as this one. My earlier small sample survey also suggested that it was independent thinking (defined differently from this tool) that was a big differentiator between those who like Arnab Goswami and those who do not. There are a variety of reasons why right wingers scored low on Independent thinking and one of the clues may lie on the scores on the attribute with the biggest differences between the two groups - Family oriented - Values and behaviours are rooted in their sense of family. The gap is a massive 58 points. In many ways, right wingers thinking processes come from their own sense of and connectedness with their families. One could argue this is about tradition but I am unsure.

The analysis also zeroes down to the problem for Liberals. The relatively score on open-ness amongst 'Independent thinkers'/ 'Liberals' is something worth investigating more. Whatever the reasons, 'Independent thinkers' are clearly appearing to be arrogant and therefore unable to communicate effectively with those who donot agree with them. Their ability to be much more assertive also provides them the reassurance (incorrectly many times) that they are doing the right thing. Liberals must re-tool their attitude and language when connecting with those on the other side of the aisle.

The right wing on the other hand needs to introspect. Open-ness is good but perhaps they need to be reading more of all sides of opinion rather than just reading one side of the story. The ability to delve on all sides of the story and forming a considered opinon would be valuable for a more constructive engagement within our society. Afterall, this is one country, we have to live together until we die. No?

PS: I am open to the criticism that these are just 6 Media people/Bloggers and perhaps the score would be different if we had consideredmore people . It is possible but given that I have considered a large number of blogs, I believe that the trends will hold, perhaps the gaps may be a little lesser.

The insufficient sample size literally takes away all meaning. A larger sample does not linearly increase the accuracy from an insufficient set.... 6 may as well be zero. Any trends that coincide with trends seen in larger sets are just coincidences.

Sharangpani Pant

Commercial Leader - Tech & Durables | 20+ Years P&L, Product | APAC Growth Markets India, China, Vietnam, Sri Lanka | INSEAD Online, Doctoral Student

7 年

nice one subhash. though I agree with the findings here, guess these would differ significantly if you chose a more right wing subject than Arnab Goswami. The analysis would be worth a try in case you haven't already.

Rahul Kashyap

Founder at Travel Around The World

7 年


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