An Algorithm to Establish Peace on Earth
Stopping Wars Forever
?We engineers solve problems using new scientific knowledge and historic experience? to improve the quality of life on earth.? We do not jump into the most recent scientific discovery. We wait till it matures into a practically manufacturable product? satisfying safety and environmental standards as well as legal obligations.?
As it is, we do not have enough time to solve the problems created by science. ?
There is an old saying.” Little knowledge can be dangerous”. Nevertheless, we continue to? help physicists make particle accelerators to break subatomic particles! This is an endless process .? I do not know where that will take us. Military engineers create new technologies to fight wars. War creates massive migration of innocent people and even kills children. I think we should do something about our predicament. How long is this going to continue? Either scientists should ask how to get out of this mess and create the kind of science that will help engineers to manufacture essential things for all people on earth.?
For example, we do not know how trees make food. I like trees. They do not go anywhere. They quietly do their job. They feed us all including most animals. Now we depend on nature to create plants and animals only to kill and eat them. We should protect the beautiful things nature creates instead of killing them. If you think about it, this is? how the rich and powerful exploit the poor and? weak.
?I am suggesting that we? abandon war first as a priority. We Americans ought to be the model. Everybody wants to come here! Why?? It is better if we help people to happily? stay where they are. We simply ask our top schools to admit the best students from? all over the world and teach them. They have been doing a good job.
So I Suggest that we work with LinkedIn managers to talk to people who know how to do things. Sunder Pichai or?
Arvind Krishna did not go to business schools. Bill Gates got out of Harvard to do things. Elon is even smarter. Recently Schools are under financial pressure forcing them to? depend upon their football and Basketball teams to break even.?
My idea is simple and workable. America should? help other nations with science and technology to feed their people first and not wish for driving cars or flying? planes burning fossil fuels. We should not interfere in how they want to run their countries. We come from different cultures, religious and moral values regarding how to behave. So let the Russians and Chinese decide how to live their lives. Time will tell what works better. There is no reason to? impose our ideology on others. This attitude will enable us to coexist with mutual respect and a helping attitude.?
.I am asking LinkedIn to organize a meeting of world leaders to discuss how we can “live and let live by give and take”. We should do this in a civilized manner over a glass of beer brewed by German priests or a glass of wine? made by the French or Italian monks; it can? also be over? a kullad- full of coconut water preferred by the Hindu Brahmins.?
Saudi Arabians cannot sell the fossil fuel for ever dug out from the ground creating a big hole on which they are sitting. To prevent it from becoming a sink hole they should fill it with all the garbage created in the whole world now. It is a win- win scenario? taught in business schools. I think I? have a strategy business schools should teach.? It is a plan or algorithm Nature has been experimenting? called evolution for 15 billion years. It did succeed in creating us? intelligent humans. This is a powerful technique trading time to achieve perfection. Look at our complexity. We are yet to understand how trees? pass on information to their next generation let alone animals or humans.??
??Unfortunately nature did everything in the liquid state. Here the heavier ions and molecules do all the work. They are slow. So we simply copy the design and make the faster-electrons? do the job in solid state.?
The Chinese and Japanese are good at manufacturing. Since they are doing most of the manufacturing work? anyway, we work with them as partners.? We simply get the Indians to write the software. We focus on teaching and research. For example, we can? use? AI to evolve robots and knowbots who will work for us. What we must do is to train our people at IBM to program quantum computers to do the essential? statistical computing needed. I? do not consider the? calculation of known functions with no information? as computing. It is when an unknown periodicity,? buried in random noise,? needs detection to get information.? This is laborious computing of correlations.?
The new corporations? will be managed by graduates of the Harvard and Wharton business schools . These are needed? to maximize ROI. There will be a lot of corporate lawyers needed to help these business schools stay within the bounds of ethics and our moral values. The strategy is for our democracy to redraw the voting districts so that the electoral college can elect the right POTUS and SCOTUS? and populate our institutions
with experts and all that. We have a complicated system of expensive? political rituals. Recently the president pardoned a single turkey when others killed them in large numbers for having thanksgiving dinner. So these are difficult? for someone like me to understand. But now that I am an? American I must respect the majority opinion. .?
What I mean is simple. We have a systematic way of dealing with changes or derivatives. If I do not like it I have to change it using another acceptable algorithm consistent with the quiescent statutes and laws. This is called order or no entropy.?
Our borders with Mexico and Canada are like? PN junctions with different work- functions and barriers having drift and diffusion of? minority immigrants and our? majority citizens. Engineers understand all the immigration rituals. Birds and infectious bacteria are the only ones that we cannot stop from entering or leaving. So we need to make sure that people are happy in their own countries? so that we do not have problems at our borders. The current issue? is that our farmers? do need more human hands during the planting and harvesting seasons. Similarly the drugs are coming in because there is a demand for them within our own country. So this is not completely drug peddling by foreigners alone.?
So with that understanding? I believe we can put an end to war by putting? our military to help others? with ambassadors and diplomats in Regal ceremonies with drum beats and bugles of impeccably dressed soldiers with no guns or pistols. America will be a friend of all nations like it has always been. That is how we have thrived, excelling? at every Olympic games.? Friendly competition is healthy but destructive competition ends in greed and hatred. I think that my? plan can be implemented. Simply give and take love. End of story. We equate all of us including animals and trees and everything else.?
Remember my revelation. If everything is energy. Mass and energy are the same. So the? thing Einstein did? not emphasize? is what my folks knew. Frequency, energy, and? mass are the same. We think that? the mass of an object? attracts other masses. My folks think that It is frequency that attracts other frequencies. Now you know that phase locking is wedlocking. You know that gives birth to new frequencies. This is how reproduction transfers information to the next generation. The correlations of genes in terms of the alphabets P, G,T and A? making up the genome? is how nature plays this game. Information is easier to transfer. Imagine giving a whole instruction manual? to your? progeny!. Here the progeny is self repairing. Once you live happily like animals we do not need many things. There were no doctors or hospitals where I was born. . Animals do not brush their teeth let alone undergo root- canal procedure. Most lawyers, and doctors can listen to music and dance. Business people should offer services? with no motive of amassing wealth they cannot take with them. The younger generation should simply refuse inheriting wealth.? This is my plan. I only need to eat a couple of bananas. I can harvest it from my backyard. I am glad I am diabetic needing only little food to survive. God used adiabatic design in creating me. I now design adiabatic circuits in my own image.?