Algorithm of a Career Consultant’s Work
For a past couple of weeks, I have received a lot of queries addressing the same question:
How do you work?
Here’s a small Algorithm of a Career Consultant’s Work and my answer to the often addressed question that includes 5 following steps:
Step 1. Request
When you contact me to get a Career Consultation through:
- A Phone call
- Message on Facebook or Instagram
- The contact form on my website, etc.
Step 2. Structuring the Request
For a better understanding of the core of the challenge you’re facing currently, I ask you to fill in a Pre-Session Assessment through my calendar or on my website and forward your updated CV to [email protected]
This helps me to prepare for the next step thoroughly.
Step 3. Diagnostics
You and I together choose the best time to speak and conduct a First Free Consultation (usually 50 min total) over Zoom or Skype to clarify your needs, your current situation and the way we can exceed your expectations through the Career Consultations. This session is completely free and by the end of this session we take decisions about conditions of our work together and create a plan for the first active session as well.
Step 4. Career Consulting Sessions
The number may vary depending on your particular situation. I do my best estimating the number of sessions needed, and I tailor packages for each of my clients individually. We always find an agreement about the content of those sessions, and in between them a client usually has some homework to do, while I do additional analytical work or a research.
Step 5.Underlining the Results
Together we evaluate the results, we take a decision to conclude our sessions. At this step, I ask for a testimonial and welcome a referral.
Let me know if you have further questions regarding the Algorithm below in the comments!