The AlgoAware study was procured by the European Commission to support its analysis of the opportunities and challenges emerging where algorithmic decisions have a significant bearing on citizens, where they produce societal or economic effects which need public attention.
The study is carried out by Optimity Advisors and follows a call from the European Parliament for a pilot project supporting algorithmic awareness building. FPF is a partner in this project.
The objectives of the study include: contributing to a wider, shared understanding of the role of algorithms, particularly in the context of online platforms, with the intention of raising public awareness and debate of emerging issues; identifying the types of problems, emerging issues and opportunities raised by the use of algorithms, and establish a scientific evidence-base for these issues and opportunities; and designing and prototyping a policy toolbox including solutions for a selection of problems, including policy options, technical solutions and private sector and civil society-driven actions.
The study will follow a policy design methodology resting on the analysis of scientific evidence as well as a robust stakeholder engagement. The team aims to engage with a range of stakeholders across diverse sectors as we seek to map the areas of interest where algorithmic operations bear significant policy implications.
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